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Staredit Network -> Staff Lounge -> Karma, revisted.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-02-17 at 09:25:36
Alright! At work, I was thinking of my idea of a split karma system, check this out:

Yesterday night, in case you don't remember (and for our dear globals who read this), I mentioned having two karma systems. One for member ratings and one for admin ratings. How this would work is that members can give 1 point to x different people every 1 day or whatever. You know. But then, for the admin karma, we can give it out as much as we want, however, probably wouldn't be too often. Every post would have an option to give karma for that post, perhaps let's say, -3 to +3. After me or you hands out the karma, the option to give karma disappears so we both won't attack or praise the same post. Hopefully, our personal biasness towards people (like me w/ zombie (-) or neonightmare(+) or you with wolfensterna2zsda(-) and anna?(+)). Anyways!
Now before, you were talking about how this could be used as currency. Sounded really lame at first.
Earlier, after kow abused the glitch, SP said something along the lines of removing the whole mineral system because it's gay how a select few can get glowing titles and what not...

Tieing the two together:
Anything such as a glowing name and the like can be achieved through minerals still, but, if you achieve the required karma, you can get it for free. Some great items can require like 100 member karma and 10 admin karma and some not so great items can just require 75 of any karma. What this would do is reduce the effectiveness of creating little karma groups who just trade karma with each other. Sure, you can get 1000 karma from members by abusing the system, but, you wouldn't necessarily have any admin karma.
However, just because we don't like you won't necessarily block you from things like glowing titles. It'll just cost you hella lot more work with crappy posts.

The slim possibility you slide into negative admin karma means fun things start shutting down. For example, after -10 karma, you can no longer play the arcade.

Perhaps, instead of using post count to determine a member's standing, being a regular or elite could depend on karma. This would kill, what I think, stupidity of post-- for not having as much characters. Have 5000 spam posts? Who cares? Doesn't get you anywhere. So instead of subtracting 300 post counts for wolfens3w5q and creating a "lie" on his profile, subtract a billion karma instead.

To counteract the posts though, we could have a secondary counter which keeps track of the posts under 100 characters or what not. This user made 2034 posts of which he posted 33% in feedback. 17% of those posts were counted as low character posts (possibly spam).

Or something similiar!

More along the whole massive post thing: A member can make a post in production for example and spam it to hell and get major post count without being considered spam. It's his thread, he can post 4 times in a row, sure. Is it fair that this benefits him though? Certainly, I wouldn't be lurking in production threads to hand out karma.

Omg, it just seems to tie everything together so well.
Whatcha think? happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2005-02-17 at 10:01:56
Sounds like a good idea, but I have no idea how it will go over.

Sorry for not reading well but can members give / take karma or only admins and mods? (i think i read that part too fast)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-02-17 at 10:12:39
Members can give member type karma.
Possibility it might decay over certain amount of days, at least, from the last time we actually talked about it in depth.

Admins can give or take away admin karma. I'm not sure if globals should or not. Admin karma shouldn't be massed released and perhaps having too many people with the ability to pass it out might break it... however, might it be a possibility that only two people can give it out be a hinderance? Yes.
Globals could take away admin karma though.

There'd have to be some sort of balance in importance between having member and admin karma to make it actually worthwhile to have both.

On another note, something I was planning on with a possible skin_topic makeover... instead of having Minerals: xxxx, have a little icon of a mineral. So instead of having "Karma: xxxx Admin karma: xxxx", a little picture of a psi icon (or whatever) and something else...
It'll reduce the importance of picking the "perfect name" for them both, since they'll be iconized. The cool little picture will represent the karma.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-02-17 at 11:06:02
You will have a problem with people not voting but thats it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-02-17 at 18:16:00
I like the idea, negative admin karma is much better.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-02-17 at 19:20:23
The slim possibility you slide into negative admin karma means fun things start shutting down. For example, after -10 karma, you can no longer play the arcade.

Best idea ever. It makes those noob spammers think twice before breaking a rule.

Perhaps, instead of using post count to determine a member's standing, being a regular or elite could depend on karma. This would kill, what I think, stupidity of post-- for not having as much characters. Have 5000 spam posts? Who cares? Doesn't get you anywhere. So instead of subtracting 300 post counts for wolfens3w5q and creating a "lie" on his profile, subtract a billion karma instead.

Much better.

There'd have to be some sort of balance in importance between having member and admin karma to make it actually worthwhile to have both.

Make it along the line of this:
X= (b/a)(Y + or - K)

X would be Admin Karmas
Y is Member karmas
b/a would be like a ratio of admins/members
K would be a variable of change
Example: One day an "event" happens of some kind of bug abuse or members grouping toghether so that they give each other karmas so now you will change this variable to increase/decrease the value of Member Karmas and thus increasing/decreasing the value of Admin Karmas.

Admins can give or take away admin karma. I'm not sure if globals should or not. Admin karma shouldn't be massed released and perhaps having too many people with the ability to pass it out might break it... however, might it be a possibility that only two people can give it out be a hinderance? Yes.
Globals could take away admin karma though.

Admins(IP and Mike) don't read all the forums all the time so there will be a tendance of specific forums having higher chances of getting Karmas than others.

I say do something like this to reduce having a massive Admin Karmas Giveaway:

Admins(Mike and IP) can give from -3 to +3
Global Mods(Moose, Bolt, Clokr, Chu and myself) can give from -3 to +1.

That way we can still make small changes but the admins still count more, and we can still punisht he same way.

Give Global Mods limitations on how much Positive Karmas they can give to the same member per a certain amount of time. Or another solution would ve to limit how many positive Karmas can a Global Mod give out per week.

IE: Global Mods can only give a total of +5 Karmas per member per Week
Give a total of +50 Karmas total per week.

Using either way will fix the issue of admins being too inactive and GLobal Mods being too active.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-02-17 at 20:14:34
Make it along the line of this:
X= (b/a)(Y + or - K)

X would be Admin Karmas
Y is Member karmas
b/a would be like a ratio of admins/members
K would be a variable of change
Example: One day an "event" happens of some kind of bug abuse or members grouping toghether so that they give each other karmas so now you will change this variable to increase/decrease the value of Member Karmas and thus increasing/decreasing the value of Admin Karmas.

What is this about?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-02-17 at 20:15:22
I think Beer is trying to sound complex for some reason... hes been doing that lately biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-02-17 at 20:28:20
I have?
I think I've been doing too much Math lately and ever since my physics teacher said she won't look at my exams because I discover new ways of doing he problems and I've invented a few formulas that work I've felt smarted.

I think I know more physics han my teacher and she agrees.

What is this about?

Basicly like a ratio of the values of Member Karmas:Admin Karmas

Basicly if you implement that equation you can change the values indirectly by how many members we have and then change it directly by "events" like a bug in the system.
Changing it directly would be used to "tilt" the ratios in either side so that things wont be too expensive or too cheap.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-02-17 at 20:43:41
X would be Admin Karmas

Are you sure you don't mean:
X would be the cost of an item?

because x = equation would mean admin karma wouldn't be given out, it would be the result of the equation.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-02-17 at 21:10:03
I knew I should've explained it more.


Y' = 1 This means that 1 member karma
X' = X an amount of admin karma

If Y' = 1 and X' = X then this means that 1 Member Karma equals X Admin Karmas

You can also change Y' to any other number to make the ratios not be decimals or fractions.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-02-18 at 02:37:56
You're looking too deep into this, BeeR. It should be simpler.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-02-18 at 04:09:19
I'm a god at math...
It's just that I don't understand what you're attempting to solve with the equation... or where this equation would be beneficial... or worthwhile...

I like the max global admin karma per week though...
20 / week, 3 / member?

I just hope peoeple wouldn't give admin karma because they can. Like thinking you have to use all 20 karma you get per week or something happy.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-02-18 at 07:31:55

Would admin karma and an advanced member notes be doing away the warn level censored.gif then?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-02-18 at 14:57:40
I knew I should've explained it more.


Y' = 1 This means that 1 member karma
X' = X an amount of admin karma

If Y' = 1 and X' = X then this means that 1 Member Karma equals X Admin Karmas

You can also change Y' to any other number to make the ratios not be decimals or fractions.

With items you can choose whatever ratio you want like Z Member Karmas: W Admin Karmas

-If the ratio value doesn't change-
This means that if the ratio of member karmas:admin karmas for that item is Z:W then you would need W member karmas and Z admin karmas.

-If the ratio value changes-
The new ratio of member karmas:admin karmas would be applied. The new ratio will be transfered here depending on the value.

So if the value ratio was 2member:1admin and the item is 5member:1admin the price would be this. 5member:1admin

Now if the value ratio changes to say 3member:2admin if would be like this. 15member:2admin

If you don't understand it then screw it because I can't explain any more.

Yes I believe this will replace the warn level.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-02-18 at 15:22:27
But uh...
If I give a member 1 admin karma... he has 1 admin karma, and if 3 members each give him 1 member karma... he has 3 member karma.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-02-18 at 15:26:44
Yes they do.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-02-18 at 22:48:19
Remove the warn level system and put in a karma adding/subtracting... sounds better. Then they can regain it if they're good boys and girls.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-02-22 at 08:05:19
... and what do you think of basing member -> regular > elite promotions based on admin karma?
It'll stop people from pissing us off (especially me lately with the feedback forum...) by spamming for promotions.
It'll keep statistics real.

Regular naturally sounds like someone who visits the forum on a regular basic. If so, we will know who you are eventually. Karma should go hand and hand then.

Elite -> Exceptional members will get exceptional amounts of karma.
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