I know all the strings that are edited in a map count towards the string limit (locations, units, briefing, etc) but I was wondering about text triggers. If you make a trigger for All Players that displays a word of text, does that count as one string or eight? Also, how much is a string? Is it one full line when you type into the editor or a specific number of characters(64?) or what? I am trying to prevent a tragic string limit error for my new RPG. I remember for Sorcery RPG I did comments for every trigger and ended up going over the limit. For some reason I remember having to do half of the map over...oops. Thanks in advance for any insight.
String limit's 1024. Thats all I know about strings.
[center]String limit: 1024
String character limit: 1024?
A string is used anywhere you type in text. (Comments, Location names, Switches, etc...)
1 string would be taken in the all players situation you mentioned above.
Hope this helped you...[/center]
A string is a piece of text. The string character limit is 65533, however staredit has its owns limits. It limites trigger strings to 1024, unit strings to something else, etc.
The standard limit of strings is 1024. You can modify it, allowing more strings into a map, but the map won't be readable by staredit anymore. Also, even when you make the limit higher there is another limit that cannot be broken. numberofcharactersofallstrings + numberofstrings + 1 has to be equal or smaller than 65535.
Is it one full line when you type into the editor or a specific number of characters(64?) or what?
A string is one PIECE of TEXT, meaning each action/switch (renamed) will take one string each, regardlesss of how much text is in it
Staredit won't let you make a string longer than 1023 characters (1024 bytes including the null). Theoretically you should be able to make a string any length as long as it doesn't violate the total character limit that clokr mentioned. However, strings are fixed to 2k (2048) bytes when you save triggers, so if you make a string longer than that it'll probably get cut off and maybe even corrupt the .trg file.
Note that the only way to do this would be to make a trigger in Starforge with a string longer than 2048 characters and then save the triggers in Staredit, since SF can't save triggers...