Please view the screenshot to know waht I'm talking about.
It got me thinking that in the future I might warn this person again but he may never get the PM.
Make it so that Admins/Global Mods/DLDB Keepers/Tutorial Keepers/Mods PM's can't be blocked by anyone, regardless of member group whatsoever.
I know you guys are busy with SEN v5.0 but this could develop into a big problem.
Admins can't be blocked... but we'll keep this in mind with the programming for 5.0.
Why would you need Tutorial Keepers and Database keepers to be unblockable?
lol his reply is funny.
When a DLDB Keeper has a problem with a file he needs to PM the submitter of the file. I thought you would understand Bolt.
Tutorial Keeper would be pretty much spelling error notification and stuff like that.
So he doesn't get DLDB updates until we finish programming the next version of SEN.