This has been done on a few maps in the past. You place minerals at the choke point leading to the players base and place minerals so they cant leave, then you hallucinate them. So after some time in the game, they will disapear.
So this holds back a zergs attack and slightly unbalances the game. I never said i liked the idea, im just bringing it up. Plus another problem is that if you want to expand to your nat, you cant untill its gone.
Anybody here think this is a good idea? I know its innovative, but do you like it?
I don't really like the idea. No expoing, no scouting, blah. We could try balancing a map a different way.
Protoss and Terran could get to their nat before Zerg using mannar pylon (that's not actually the same trick but close enough). It would be weird if Terran expanded before zerg... you would pretty much be forcing the zerg to one base muta rush, or lurk. Personally I'm not a fan of maps that limit players like that... however it might be neat to have minerals that you can micro with early game and then they would disappear and allow for large armys to move unhindered... Hallucinated mineral would disapper if you cast a spell on them right? Like psi storm... fast templars against a teching zerg would be interesting...
Back to your idea, it would make it next to impossible to scout stratagies for the Zerg, since they have no mannar pylon esque trick that I am aware of. It's a pretty neat idea, you should try to mess with it a bit in upcoming maps.
hmmm, thats a good i dea actually, to try it i mean. ill make a map with and without the hallucinated minerals. it would be.. odd if terran and toss expanded when zerg did. it would certainly limit them.
pekkel, you can do all that stuff, its just after a bit of time.
Not for a choke out of the main, but maybe for one leading to a more obscure location or expansion.
Well if you really wanted to expand you could always hop the hallucinated minerals.
But again I never though these "anti-rush" things were a good idea. Make the map look not "professional" and makes the game unrealisitc. I played a melee map yesterday and some critters were hallucinated.
If you dont want to rush, just make a island map.
You can't... Zerg are at a huge disadvantage in island maps.
Idea: (I can't believe i just thought of this) Put the closest expansion behind the main base ( which has been done many a times). And put the hallucinated minerals at a choke to the main base. So then you cant attack the other player, but you can still expand early.
I guess you can always hope your overlord gets a good eye on the enemys tech. If I were you I'd use this idea in a two player map, but not a four, because otherwise it would make scouting very hard for the Zerg. I don't really see rushing with Zerg as much of a problem, they fixed that when they made spawning pools cost 200 (+ the drone). However, I can see this being useful in small maps. Or just maps where the bases are close together.
you could place double row of minerals with a 1 square space in between to prevent hoping.
lol, i just tested the mineral thing, they go away after like a minute, so it wouldnt do too mcuh. And i found out you can mine from them and get minerals, but it disapears after like two cycles of a probe using it.
quite good idea but it's u can't take over a other minerals place is bad... but it's a good idea for games..
But you can expand, Its just after a few minutes.
This is a really useless idea and doesn't really matter for anyone who is skilled at melee. Rushing is part of the game, and can be countered. Saying you can't rush is like telling someone they cant expand or anything. Its part of the game, plus if you scout your opponent and he is Z you should at least prepare for the possibility of being rushed.
Looks like someone just crashed into a truck load of dumbass =-O It all depends on the situation devil, this topic was dead half a month ago.
90-born... coincidence or fact!? (don't answer that)
It was halfway down the topic list, so I am posting in it. It's not like there are many other discussions in this forum section anyway.
I also don't appreciate that comment either.
A better idea would be putting ~1000 value REAL minerals to form a wall. This way, you could still use it at an expo. This way, you could "creep colony jump" after the hatchery's done. Though at that point, it'd be pointless except to expand somewhere else.
also devil, i never said i liked the idea, i was just putting it out there.
Pyscho, lol, that was a bit harsh, but funny as hell.
hate the idea of no rush maps. If you lose to a rush, that means you didn't prepare yourself properly against it or don't have the skills to fight it off. If you are a rush n00b and fail a rush, that means you shouldn't even be playing SC.
Rushing is fine, it just needs to be used properly.
It isn't possible to make a anti-rush map. If you make islands, people will rush air units. If you make enclosed bases, people will rush air units. Rushing is part of the game whether you like it or not.
Strategy man, Strategy!
Rush eh?
How about I place 50 stacked zero mineral amount fields in front of important areas?
Units take 4-6 seconds mining, so 50 minerals would take 200-300seconds to get through with 1 worker.
Mining a zero amount mineral field doesn't place any minerals in the worker's hand and removes the mined field, which allows for it to continute standing in that spot mining the next available field.
BTW going back to that "you can't prevent rushes" thing, YOU CAN prevent all rushes.
Heres how:
Create a small area to build surrounded by cliff or water, and place an essential amount of gas near the base (350-400gas). Then place a large amount of gas (2500) in a air or transport only reachable place.
Terran would have to lift or go straight to dropship (350 gas).
Zerg would have to instantly lair (100 gas), then transporting (200 gas).
Protoss would have to use (150 gas) for robotics to shuttle....
This amount of time just to get to the next vespene field would be around 3-6 minutes.
This is just getting there, if you surrounded that expansion by more cliff or water, you could prolong rushes for the rest of the game.
I have to make a map like this now
Though, I wouldn't know why you would want to prevent rushes, rushes make gameplay that much more interesting.
That would be the n00b way of getting out of a rush, yes. Any skilled player would just fight it off.
Making a wall of mins so that they can't rush greatly imbalances the game.
Zerg would be the only ones being able to scout using overlord. If they research burrow fast enough, then they can do the bound burrow trick and get passed those mins, meaning they have the whole map for themselves to expand many times very fast.
Terran would easily make early CC and lift to expansion without worrying that they will eb atatcked.
Protoss won't be able to do anything.
If you get rushed then it's your problem that you got rushed. If you fought it off, then you'll probably be off better in a better position than him.
Beer, not necesarily, you could make like 7 rows of minerals, mineral jumping wouldnt work to well then, would it?
Chu, thats not the "n00b" way of getting out of a rush, we are just thinking up ideas of how one would do it.