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Staredit Network -> Melee Production & Showcase -> (4)Double Domination
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-03-21 at 22:19:20
Name: Double Domination
Players: 4
128 x 128 Jungle


Find Map at bottom

Comments welcome
Report, edit, etc...Posted by pekkel_the_duck on 2005-03-21 at 22:36:33
Well, first of all....

I don't see what the point of the islands on the sides and centerish part. They're just land. Wouldn't it be better if you turned them into expansions?

And for purple, you might want to make his natural be like the others, not close to another body of land. It might cause some issues.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-03-21 at 23:01:08
i just played it, that will be fixed, i might also add expos.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sodium_Chloride on 2005-03-21 at 23:34:50
Work on making your map balanced and symmetrical. The right portion seems to have more land area than the left. Also, place a few doodads for strategy if your map allows it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by mobomojo on 2005-03-22 at 00:10:09
Mains are too small. Teals natural has worst resource placement. Paths are too narrow, meaning Zerg will be at disadvantage vs Protoss, and Terran should have the upperhand against both.

And whats with those land masses on the left and right? If they serve no purpose, use the space to expand the paths. Otherwise, make it smaller and turn them into expos.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by pekkel_the_duck on 2005-03-22 at 00:13:26
A map doesn't need to be symmetrical, but it needs balance. The most used example is Lost Temple. It's not symmetrical, but it is still balanced, which is why it makes teh best replays. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-03-22 at 10:33:05
i know the starts are too small, im on that.
i have three more words.

I hate Symytrty.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Chef on 2005-03-22 at 16:53:27
It's not symmetrical, but it is still balanced, which is why it makes teh best replays.

Highly debatable, almost everyone who has been playing since 98 is sick of lt. The map isn't as balanced as a lot of new people think it is. I don't want to really say anything that will force you to drastically alter you map if you listen to my advice but there isn't much to this map...

The only real possiblities I can see are to branch paths to the islands on the left and right mid... Also the suggestions for improving balance are quite correct, though I didn't really want to just repeat what they said I do agree with it. There are a lot of mineral placment problems... make sure that tanks with vision and air attacks have the same opportunities on each base. If you really plan to go all out on this map I can go into more depth but make sure you tell me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yenku on 2005-03-22 at 17:03:21
QUOTE(mobomojo @ Mar 22 2005, 12:10 AM)
Mains are too small. Teals natural has worst resource placement. Paths are too narrow, meaning Zerg will be at disadvantage vs Protoss, and Terran should have the upperhand against both.

And whats with those land masses on the left and right? If they serve no purpose, use the space to expand the paths. Otherwise, make it smaller and turn them into expos.

Good observation Mobomojo, i was hoping noone noticed so i could get credit...

To expand on this, terran or toss could easily block those narrow passageways for teal and blue so if zerg was there, say goodbye to thier quick expansion...

And that is only one of many problems i do not feel like mentioning.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by bajadulce on 2005-03-27 at 20:16:14
i know the starts are too small, im on that.

If I ever play this map I'll be sure to choose Zerg to avoid traffic jams in my base. Will check out your updated version.

i have three more words.      I hate Symytrty

Well your map isn't boring looking at least!

The gas seperated from minerals is different. I like things a bit different, wonder how that would play tho?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2005-03-27 at 21:02:49
Teal has, by far, the easiest to defend starting base, he's the only one with terrain that oversee the ramp up to it. Also, the right side seems to have more spece than the left, as if the middle of the map was slid to the left.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-03-28 at 09:14:23
As DT said, Teal can defend his base easier.

The two expansion islands at bottom are smaller than the ones on top.

Those two large islands at either side are pretty much meaningless and no one would use them. It's a waste of space. Put at least a 2 small mineral expansions at each of those islands. One on the top portion and the other ont he botttom.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yenku on 2005-03-28 at 19:51:48
I think he is going to add expansions there. But ofcouse, how would I know? He hasn't posted in his own topic for about a week.
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