SCMDraft 2 - Quick GuideBasic Info;
- SCMDraft 2 doesn't come with a Trigger Editor (in its basic form from our Download Database),
- TrigEdit is a plugin for SCMDraft 2 that provides Trigger and Briefing Options (currently beta and with a couple of errors), #1
- SCMDraft 2 will always have TrigEdit as a plugin, so you'll need to download the correct version of TrigEdit for the correct version of SCMDraft 2 (this is normally obvious), #2
- SI is the creator of SCMDraft 2,
- DW is the creator of TrigEdit,
- SCMDraft 2 is still a beta project, which is still active,
#1 = TrigEdit is a completely text based Trigger Editor, just as this writing is, so that you do not get any of the GUI dropdown menu's of StarEdit, nor the type and click of StarForge, you write everything in.
Try viewing a map with a limited number of triggers already to see how it functions and how to work with the Editor.
[TrigEdit is also required to be in a set sub-folder of SCMDraft 2 to work, or has to be currently. Whever you've placed SCMDraft, create a sub-folder called "plugins" and place TrigEdit within that, and it'll work.]
#2 = Just a guess of mine, and a guess based on how SI seems to work this project, and the fact that the placement of TrigEdit as a plugin is appropiate, since you'll never download both as a package (wink wink, maybe do that?)