Could you make the terrain tileset index larger? Perhaps a 1:1 or even 3:2 ratio as tileset : actual size? It's hard on the eyes and it's often difficult to pick out what terrain I want. I run 1280 x 1024 on my monitor. Perhaps you could make it an option?
I suggested the exact same thing to SI the other day.
My screen is at 1152x864.
Yeah, I'm thinking about how to do it, I dont want more checkboxes or dropdowns, I may just make it so you can resize the window to twice its width and then get the tiles full sized... how does that sound?
That would work great because as you know, some people still use lower resolutions like 800x600 so making it actual size would cover the entire screen for them.
As you make the window larger the tiles will stratch up to their actual size.
heh i was around 1000x700, cant remeber, but i changed to 1152x864 since BeeR reminded me.
wow, words are small..i hope i still can see everything lol.
Really Small. Poor eyes

1024 by 768!
I just got done adding code so you can resize it to 1:1 view, I probably wont enable more sizes for now. It'll go out with next release (Internal 12 / public 7)
I'm 1280x1024 and I see everything fine. It just takes a few days to get used to it, and then larger sizes will scare you later : P
well you can now resize the terrain window so alls dandy
bah, you ruining everything.