I just want to say thnx to E)s-Fury, Racine, Psycho Templar, and Yenku for giving the challenge a try.
Racine and Fury are both really good players and their replays are amazing. Racine really exploits the comps Anti-air with his unbelievable 250+ APM! In his other game vs Protoss his army gets blasted several times with big psi-storms, but eventually he manages to overcome toss.
Fury goes all out and contains the enemy nicely. Amazing how fast he is able to produce a nice Nuke, Bc, tank, finishing blow!
My only regret is that I wish now I hadn't written "good players" in this title. This contest is meant for ALL PLAYER levels to try! There's even a section to post "Losing" replays for laughs. I have an embarrasing one there!
Racine wrote:
I encourage everybody to participate, it is so much fun!!
Still no Zerg or Protoss players yet, but the participation so far will really help us write better Ai's.
Thnx again and give it a try!