Now I'm not going to argue over what one is better, but I wanna get some things cleared up.
1. First version of SCMDraft was released 2 years before the start of Starforge was announced.
This is scmdraft 2. This is not Scmdraft v2.0 It is the Second Scmdraft. Starforge is Starforge version 2.x(Forget what version exactly).
Thus you would have to go from the time announced of Scmdraft 2 and Starforge.
Even that dosn't matter. It matters how much time per day, etc..
I really don't care and i'm also sure Heimdal and SI don't care.
I bet more than anything Starforge has borrowed from other already developed code.
Why would he do that? What other editor is open source? I believe Hiemdal coded everything from the ground up. Now if you wanted to get right down to it...
you could go to this standpoint(I do not take or accept this standpoint in any way).
SI writes the ISOM section like Staredit. How starforge writes it's terrain is completely diffrent and heimdal decided against the isom section to reduce space. Heimdal never completed writing his "Perfect Isometric Terrain with no Isom Section".
Also if memory serves correctly. ONLY THE INTERFERANCE & TRIGGERS ARE DONE IN VB DLL and CALLED BY C++. They are something like that. Heimdal explained it once and my memory is a little rusty.-------------------------------
4. The program is way more stable.
I have very very very very few problems with Starforge. Dun know what you fussing about. I havn't had problems with Scmdraft 2 either.
3. The rendering engine probably took longer than most of Starforge, considering it's even more realistic than StarEdits!
How it looks isn't everything.
Look people, Heimdal and SI really don't care about this, why the hell should you? The fact is that they are both great and fantastic editors coded from the ground up in order to provide map makers a better utility. They are both used for diffrent things for each and every map maker. They both have advantages and disadvantages. Lets stop arguging over what is better and what is worse and lets just take these tools they made us, thank Heimdal and SI, and use there utilites.
So thanks Heimdal and SI I am honored to use both of your utilites to improve the quality of my and everyone who uses your programs maps.