Yay!!!, got permission from Milleniumarmy to make sports tournament!
Well... I might need someone to help me out with stuff and I will definitely be asking questions to everyone on this forum. Anyone interested in helping me out? This sounds like a group project so it goes in the group projects forum.
If you want to get people to help you with a project you should really tell people what you plan on the map being like, so people know what their getting themselves into...Until you tell everybody a bit about it no one will join...Most likely...Not sure though...
He's going to make a map which compiles some of right now's most popular sport maps (wall ball, dodgeball, basketball, football, etc) into one map. Sort of like a party/tournament game.
You will need to reuse locations if you plan to have wallball and dodgeball in there.
I already have planned to reuse locations... dodgeball and wallball, on one field then there is volleyball, basketball, football, and I might throw in a new map I'm currently trying to make: golf. Then there is baseball. I might also use blittzball and paintball. so basically I plan to have 4 different playing fields for the sports. The playing fields will be used for more than one sport.
[COLOR=red]Oh yeah thank you for explaining milleniumarmy. I don't think having them on the same field would really help much if you want to make each sport authentic to the original. But whatever if you can make it work go ahead.
Yea, wall ball and dodgeball are going to need different fields.
Wall ball is a 6x6 arena with 1x2 and 2x1 surrounding it. DOdgeball is a 10x6 arena but the bottom row locations are 2x3s rather than 2x2s.