No one has access to the SEN bot. And the profile was left the same as how wesmic had it. So it's still for sell eh?
I have yet to change it. I'll do it now. Alright gimme your bnet names if you want access until cheeze returns.
I'm not sure what everone elses names and aliases are.
If someone guessed your pass, could they take over the channel? All those are rather weak... ;/
Those aren't name/pass they are name/botAlias.
We all pop in and out with our bots and it's a lot easier to do shit in the channel from a bot instead of logging into bnet ... even if you already are it's faster than alt tabbing.
EDIT: And no, Yoshi doesn't allow us that much access anymore. He's grown too paranoid.
I'll give you all 100s now, but you guys must never promote your own bots or yourselves to ops unless its an emergency, such as flooding and you need to take actions from your own bot or something.
BTW password is much harder to guess now.
If not already on the bot.
BeeR_KeG and Clokr_
I still dont get why we have to have 3 bots with access on the channel plus SEN one.
Apparently they like to use commands from windows.