I was wondering if anyone could give me a sample trigger of share vision that will work with Trigedit so I can use another computer to be my selection units (I cannot use Xtra since I do not have BW).
QUOTE(The attached ReadMe.txt file)
Run AI Script(aiscript)
So it would look like:
Run AI Script("+Vi#"); When adding vision to player #.
Ok, thx, I am having trouble with the trigger concepts so far in Trigedit (and Starforge, dun like it). It is C program language?
What does what TrigEdit is programmed in have anything to do with how the triggers work?
Read the readme in the SCMD2 folder.
Maybe hes asking if the syntax of thhe triggers is like C, which it is.
the best bet to understanding them is to just open a map with triggers and taking a look at them.
Actually, all that needs to be done for people to understand the syntax, is for a tutorial, which can be done by someone making every single possible condition and action into a TrigEdit Enviro, and showing example of each.
You want to? I'll host it on my site then.