QUOTE(High's Signature)
DLDB Keeper and SMT Member
Does he even do anything in the DLDB? As far as I can tell I'm the only one currently approving ANYTHING. Entropy doesn't do anthing direct, BeeR is injured, DTBK appeared to stop doing anything concerned with the DLDB after the first week he started.
And about SMT, is it dead yet? I haven't seen anything but a dead topic about a map in production for weeks now (or is it months already?). I really should have joined SMT so I could take control of it and force people to show progress or get kicked out.
I couldn't really care whether I have help right now in the DLDB, I'm just wondering if High is doing stuff (and SMT) or if my suspicions are correct and they aren't.
Yeah, I don't really like where SMT is going (I can still see the forum, though), considering I created the forum for it without much authorization. But, I can't even take it out anymore. As far as I can see, anyone who can't see the forum and knows about the SMT must think its a joke.
I really don't know. I hate to remove staff status from people. I'll have to talk about it with IP.
SMT members aren't technically staff. They just have access to a special forum.
I was talking about inactive DLDB people.
This week I've had lots of Pre-Calculus homework and trigonometry so I can barely work and I'm going to my Physician or whatever it's called a lot so i don't have much time to spare.
The problem with SMT is that people tend tot hink that someone else will do the job and I'm tired of it. They laze off until I make a thread about it, then they work for a week and laze off. Also, our only project that has been progressing has been 4 months since it started and all the other projects really haven't done anything.
I'm thinking of doing one of three things:
1) Scrap all projects except Tank Command, finish that and then kill the team.
2) Give everyone access to the forum, in other words, kill the permission masks. I'll then post a pinned topic stating that if the public thinks that that member isn't doing anything and he isn't worthwhile to be in the team he is kicked out and another person will be able to join. This will encourage members to work more and not laze off beacause this time, the public will kick him out and not me which I've given several chances.
3) Just plain kick everyone that hasn't worked and get new people, also giving forum access to the public.
From what i see, having a "Hidden Forum" from everyone was a bad idea. Members think that since there was barely anyone reading them except memners/global mods/admins that they could laze off since no one was going to notice. sure we won't be able to post private Pre-Alpha/Alpha/Beta maps, but that could be arranged by either having a special password seccion in the DLDB(no approval for these maps since they are incomplete) or using e-mails.
Our first priority is to take the team away from it's current hidding spot and show the public.
What you all think?
Well I thought you weren't working in the DLDB solely because your injury and I was totally fine with that, I understand.
As for SMT, I seriously think you should finish up Tank Command then disband SMT or let someone else take over and try to get shit done, I don't really know how you're running it right now so I can't say if I would do a better job or not, but I can say that I would organize it and delegate things out to certain people to do at certain times. If people don't show progress then I would just can their ass and get the next person to do their work.
No reason we should wait a long period of time and wait thru all the "i got homework" excuses. I would make it clear that you will show progress or you will not be in SMT.
Sorry to bring this up again, but did you ever check to see if High really does anything in the DLDB?
And it seems DT_BK is actually doing stuff, but he just limits it to once a week or something like that. Following the pattern he's kept, he should be doing something on Sunday.

Is the DLDB fixed? I couldn't approve a thing all day long, when I finally find the time, the DLDB bugs out.
I approved close to 15 files. I never had a problem with it.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: screenshot() in /home/is047s3n/public_html/ips_kernel/class_downloads.php on line 806
I still can't approve some maps. I approved one without a screenshot and I tried to approved MilleniumArmy's Melee map which has a screenshot but it won't let me approve, it shows me the above error. Is there any way for me to remove the screenshot?
I went in and removed the reference to that function and found no others in there. It should work now, post again if its still bad.
It's happening again.
I decided to do all Melee maps and tommorow do the UMS.
I can't aprove that one melee map remaining because of that screenshot thing againg.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: screenshot() in /home/is047s3n/public_html/ips_kernel/class_downloads.php on line 800
Alright, sorry I haven't been doing anything I've been real busy with this program and working overtime.
There is now option to allow a .zip with multiple sound files in the DLDB. I think we should allow this seeing as about more than half of the sounds in the DLDB are ziped.
(not comparing .zip count against .wav count but comparing the number when they are all unzipped ...)
I don't know... then people can't search for them, which is why I disabled it in the first place. People submit sounds in bulk and then the search option becomes useless. Example:
In a zip you call "Outdoor sounds"
Someone searches for "Waterfall". They can't find it, although its in the ZIP file.