I am seeing a lot of activity for SCMD but very little on trig edit. Trig edit is the only thing bringing SCMD2 down and no one is addressing it. The tree doesnt work and it is really only good for searching through your triggers and editing. It currently isnt good for making triggers.
Is anything happening with Trig edit?
DW, the current main programmer for TrigEdit, is deciding whether to make the Mac SCMDraft2 or work on TrigEdit (I think).
Well logically, you wouldn't want to be known for two cruddy programs. You would rather be known for one very good one. Plus if he gets tired midway through the Mac port then neither will get done. Better to finish what you have started.
carl does have a point...though MAC users desperatley need a good editor...
There are pretty god map editors out there for MAC users, Although they are rare to find these days.
Mac users aren't getting the same opportunities as Windows users are. SCMD2 for Mac may balance it out a lot

QUOTE(carlsagan43 @ Apr 17 2005, 12:17 AM)
Well logically, you wouldn't want to be known for two cruddy programs. You would rather be known for one very good one. Plus if he gets tired midway through the Mac port then neither will get done. Better to finish what you have started.
the mac port needs a trigger editor anyhow so it may better to redesign trigedit after the mac base is also done...
You know, if you really want a good TrigEdit, you can write your own plugin.
IS that your answer to everything? Do it all your self? I thought the point of this program was to be successful rather than fail miserably. If you want to be known for a half-ass job than fine. And i AM learning CPP so i can write my own plugin.
I dont recall DK being the author of scmdraft. I also fail to see what your problem is with my decisions regarding my project. You have to accept that there are more important things I have to do than code scmdraft 24/7 without being payed a cent...
SI, come on, be serious? What else would you do

you mean besides stuff with friends, college, contract work, etc?
As a Mac user, I say take your time and address Mac porting first. Triggers can be done with other programs. Maybe allowing importing of triggers in Blizzard .trg format.
you would still need a trigger editor because trg's take away ur locations
Jeez, cant you be grateful for.. anything? You code a trigedit equivalent to DW's and then you can talk all the s#!t you want.
.trg is also not been fully written up on, so unless DW has already gone through it, he'd need to go through it as well, it changes the whole layout and such.
UM, .trg is just the 'TRG ' Section without the header.
And deekay your being a real ass. you whine about us making our own editors when i AM trying. Im sorry im not a 1337 h4Xx0r like joo are. Why did DW just come all this way on trigedit just to miss the finishline? Maybe SI could pick up where DW left off
DW is going to finish it either now or after he makes SCMD2 for Macs
soon enuf. be patient, young one...
Anyhow, use, SF for now. You DONT have to use SCMdraft you know. It isnt required to live...
QUOTE(carlsagan43 @ Apr 25 2005, 06:58 PM)
UM, .trg is just the 'TRG ' Section without the header.
Wrong. First of all, the section is 'TRIG'. Second, It
does have a different format then then 'TRIG' section.
"Second Note: These specs are for the TRIG section in CHK files. The .TRG files, generated when you use the 'Save Triggers' command from inside StarEdit, have a completely(okay, maybe not completely) different file format. And no, I don't feel like writing the specs for that."
Refer to
http://campaigncreations.org/starcraft/sta...rigformat.shtml for more information.