Hello all, its me, the newb again =P. Yes, I know, asking for voice actors is probably acting too much like a pro. Good, I'm aiming to be one. Anyway, onto business. A friend of mine will be managing this thread, I'm simply starting it.
We will need voice acting for...
--=Rigel Williams=--(Male Voice)
A 53 year old Confederate veteran and a highly skilled marine, Major Williams is the head of pre-established colony of New Pompeii. He's rough, tough, and one seriously badass SoB. The players will be taking orders from him most of the time, which means the voice actor needs to have a rough voice, be able to act like a badass, and a total smartass at the same time. Also, he's got a southern accent. All the confederates do =P. One more thing, be prepared to cuss...
Here are some practice lines:
"Hello, ladies.(addressed to men, mockingly) I see you've arrived at our wonderful little shithole of a planet."
"This here's yah Suit char'jah... each suits got i'ss own char'jah, and once it gits ta' 100 purcent, ya'll gits ta kick some mayjah Zerg ass..."
"F*** off, maggot. I ain't got nuthin for ya right now..."
"Where the F***in hell is that air support?
--=Rea Whitewind=--(Female Voice)
An 23 year old bounty hunter, previously a ghost, who's traveled to New Pompeii to try and earn a living, since all else has failed with the decline in Terran power. She's the kind of girl that loves to act. Act innocent, act mysterious, act sexy, act smart, act seductive, act anything to manipulate others to do her bidding. If you have a "ditzy voice"(no offense to those who do), im afriad you cant play this role. Shes the really focused type.
Practice Lines:
"Hey there, cutie...got a few bux to spare for a pretty ladie?*giggle*" (Manipulation, people. Shes not really this much of an airhead =\)
"I know where those Zerg are headed....I could tell you for maybe..oh...1 grand?"
"Sorry sexy, but I'm afraid thats MY money you have right there in you hands..."
--=Random Colonists=--(Anyone can do these, male or female)
Yes, thats right, were also gonna make a system where every random colonist you bump into makes a random comment. Some will say 'excuse me,' some will say sorry, and some will cuss the living shit out of you. I think people will like doing the last one the most .
Practice lines:
"Oh, excuse me!"(Any Gender)
"Pardon me"(Any Gender)
"Sorry"(Any Gender)
"Get off, F***er!"(Male, though females are welcome to give it a shot )
"Hey! Watch it!"(Any Gender)
"Eek! Watch where you point that thing!"(Female)
"Shit man, watch where youre pointin that thing!"(Male)
--=Suit A.I. Voice=--(Female Voice)
The voice in the leader's suit that tells them when they have their suit charged, or when they've reached an objective, or cleared it, etc etc. We'd like a female voice please, simply because it sounds better.
Practice Lines:
"New Objectives Aquired"
"Objective achieved"
"Suit at Full Power"
"Warning! Enemies detected!"
Thats all the slots we have open for now. I hope allota people audition. More characters and voice slots will be added as story and characters are developed, I promise! But until then, Dreamer out!
P.S.: A link to the developement forum of "New Pompeii":