so when is a (mostly) debugged version of scmdraft coming out? every1 ive talked to about the earlier versions of scmdraft didnt really like it, but didnt really hate it.
also... what is with a 'pre-release'? is it just like a testing period for people to report aforementioned bugs and have them fixed? or is it just for impatient people?
well if when you say "mostly debugged version" you mean whens the next version coming out then I dont know
but if you mean including prereleases then #9 is mostly debugged
and the pre-releases is a testing version for testers to find as many bugs as they can and get them fixed before its released (and some impatient people just get them since they dont feel like waiting)
oh, thanks. what are the benefits of scmdraft, aside from that it meshes more effectivly with sf?
prerelease just means it hasn't been tested for bugs as much as the normal releases usually are by me.
SCMDraft2 has most of the features SF has and a huge handful that SF doesn't.
yea ScmDraft2 is awsome, (i'm not able to use Sf
) but its all good scm works perfecly
I only use SCMD2 for sprite and unit placement. Everything else is done in Starforge.
The one thing I love about SCMD2 is that it has faster scrolling then SF, either that or my computer is damn slow.