Hmm...I was wondering if anybody would know what in the map I attatched below would cause SCXE to crash upon loading the map. I made the map with SCM Draft, but want to use SCXE to do the triggers, but I can't because it crashes when I open the map!
Yes, yes
real original map, I know. But it's bugging me that SCXE won't open it.
SE opens it for me...although it removes a bunch of units and doodads.
Doesn't work for me. This should be in the SCMDraft forum since it's directly related to SCMD2.
But it's SCXE that's giving me problems, not SCM Draft though. The "this program has gone done illegal actions...must screw up and close now"...that sort of thing. I tried reinstalling both, but it's still being gayed.
You said you made it with SCMD2, that sounds like a problem directly linked to SCMD2.
Ok, I think it has to do with the doodads you added. I removed them and it opened up just fine in X-tra. So I re-added them in X-tra. I also replaced some non-space null terrain I noticed with normal space terrain. Here is the map.
Staredit opens it fine for me, as does SCXE (special mode)
Doodads, eh? Well thanks very much, as this problem was making me very very angry.