Hey, well a few days ago i went to use my old computer to share some files. To my surprise, nothing would work. I shook the mouse to turn on the screen but nothing would happen. I turned the computer off then back on but still nothing would show up on the screen. My dad sais that its not the monitor but the computer itself. The only logical thing that could've happened is that it broke during the thunderstorm that Massachusettes just had. But, we have a surge prote4ctor from dell and it was just thunder (no lightning). We are having somebody from my dads work that used to be on the Geek Squad come over to look at it. What do you think could be wrong because i have many important files on it and it happened suddenly so i couldnt back them up. HELP ME!!!!
Dunno, sue Dell for the SurgeProtector.
yea! but i think our warranty ended
it's a DELL. you're screwed.
damn, if they cant restore the info im screwed because i had cd keys, passwords, etc
You're singing the DamnIShouldHaveBackedUp blues.
im singing the "im
ed" blues
The government could get those files back on. Just tell them a murderer used this computer, and all of his files are on the computer, and... i dunno, figure out the rest.
Felony's a crime too.