I'm making a Final Fantasy map and I need some good enemies and what unit they would be. I can't remeber any because I haven't actually played final fantasy in over seven years.
I don't care if they're real Final Fantasy units, as long as they're Final Fantasy-ish.
Sephiroth, Sephiroth, Sephiroth...
Kefka, Altima, Chaos, The weapons (Emerald, Ruby, Omega, Atma), Ultimecia, Zeromous, ...
I wish I knew more from the older games, but I don't.
Elti... El... the first challenging boss for FF8... (LOL I FORGOT TO DRAW SIREN!) E... Et... like it has an E L T in the beginning...
Oh wait, he said enemies and not bosses in general. Shit...
Bomb, Tiamat, Behemoth, Imp, Cactuar, Iron Giant, Tonberry, Molbol, ...
And I don't get why ppl like Sephiroth so much. I know he's kewl, even kewler lookin than Cloud Strife... But you know...not to an obsession...
Um, yeah, I'm having trouble matching those up to SC units, here...
Most of the enemies are re-occuring in every FF game, so all you have to do is look at one. Unless you want bosses, those tend to differ.
I was just putting the link for every one that site had.
Also, some may be different
But owell, just choose one and have fun.
I have a whole bunch of them for you....
Devil Ride-Vulture
Bandit-Zling??? or Dt
Bizzare Bug-Hydralisk (maybe)
Custom Sweeper-Goliath
Ghostship-Carrier or Wraith(if you want cloaking affect)
Golem-Goliath/ultra (if u had any left)\
Bomb-Infested Terran
Heavy Tank-Seige tank
Hell House-(it could be like factory that shot out units for its attacks)
Ice Golem-archon
Midgar Zolem(huge ass snake from ff7)-probaly 2 or 3 parts first part whens hes tangled up-Ultralisk then 2nd part when he straightens up could be guardian (that is if your doing arena type combat)
Soldier 1st:Fbat
Soldier 2nd:Fbat
Soldier 3rd:Zlot
Note:Thats just what i think they could be////those are all ff7 units and i also know crap load of bosses if needed