Current topics about "Morph Hack" will most probably be closed.
Any new topics about the "Morph Hack" will be closed and set invisible.
Any person trying to ask for "Morph Hack" can be warned, it is against site policy to ask for any type of hacking material.
Any person who gives out the "Morph Hack" can be suspended or banned from the site.
Same rules apply to the Shoutbox and every aspect of SEN.
And if anyone even dares thinking about submitting it to the DLDB, they'll have to deal with me twice, or with Chu or DTBK or Moose. Same goes with a Tutorial on how to use it and/or create it.
Hacking is against SEN policy, you may hack if you want on, we can't make you change that. But we can make you stop talking about hacks. We allowed discussions about the "Morph Hack" but it all ends is in: "OMG I FOUND IT IT'S HERE [ LINK ]".
That is why there will be no more discussions on the "Morph Hack" for the moment.