Infantry Online is a bad ass game, and if plugged in right to the starcraft engine it would be cool.
Well, chances are it wouldn't be a very accurate mod- that's not saying bad mod, mind you- thanks to the fact that MemGraft no longer works for the newest patch, but a 30 minute demo probably isn't much to get a good enough idea of what the game's like to make a mod off of it, so we'd need someone who actualy has the game.
Well, I suppose that if you're saying it would be a good mod then you probably have or have played the game, so bleh. Unless someone else here has it, you would be the best to make the mod, or atleast partner-up with someone else making it.
Well, you dont get only 30 minutes, first of all. You get one hour of playtime, and then your "session" ends. Then you just play some more.
Well that's only if you're a guest(unsubscribed). I use to be. But initially the game wasn't pay to play, all free. With it's addictive nature, steered me away from Starcraft. Back when the first Jungle Paintball was a big deal. Hell I remember when V-Tec was new, which had the UBER TEMPLAR PSIONIC SHOCK OF DOOM!
I believe it was before 1.04 that I moved to infantry, I know as much it was when units couldn't be renamed unless they were heros. But in anycase I played it all the way back before pay to play. A mod would pretty much focus onto the CTF fraction of it. Starcraft could be made very infantry like. No too much different. Both strategy based, just one is in the form of a shooter like Natural Selection.