Yelling is not an act of maturity. It's something you find teenagers or kids do. A level head person doesn't go about things. Being level headed is something that comes along with maturity, or also known as wisdom. Realisitically noone is fully mature. Only in a non-existant, theory made by ideolism world. The most mature you get, is when you're at your late years. However most mature you get, next to infintile stages your least stable.
And the whole "get a life thing?"
Okay... Let's go about this logically... Per say I have no life... Right?
...okay... And here you are taking your time to associate with someone who "needs to get a life." So... Where's this put your position in the matter?
...I'll let you decide this one...
I dont have a comment except your taking the term "get a life" too literally.
It was locked for a reason.
Okay, here's the thing... It's spam if it doesn't have a point right? Well a points been displayed. And only person who's flaming, and making insults for the matter is Hammer over there.
I have another comment.
What makes you think that you can re-open a topic that was closed for a reason!?!
Another comment.
I can see right through you! Your trying to start a flame war between me and you.
Another Comment
Jesus christ
Another comment...
Reason was shown... Reason was wrong.
Another comment...
Another comment...
"Taking get a life too literally..." We are using literacy aren't we?
Another comment...
Starting a flame war? I'm not the one who initialized with "Get a life."
*warhammer40000 edits his post that said "get a life" Muhahaha! Now your lying!
[sub][sub][sub][sub]Yea, that was a joke.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
If you can agree that I was neither flaming, or spamming. Then this topic can end.
Thats forcing an opinion on another. You could get assasinated for doing that...
-You werent flaming
-You were minorly spamming, but nothing major, but in MY books, i think that was unneccasary.
Closest youll get.
The right wing wackos get away with it, like Bush.
Can you guys please stop egging each other on and go along with your lives? If you're going to do stuff like this, please do it on a medium other than SEN's forums where everyone doesn't have to see it. Nobody is going to respect you more if you verbally beat the crap out of each other. SEN is a not a ground for your personal arguements/bickering.
ยป Topic Locked