PHP4's class system sucks major cock, but it is still rather useful.
require_once ("core/mysql.php");
$sql = new mysql;
Then anywhere in another class, I can call shit like:
function stupid_insert_function()
global $vars, $sql;
$sql->insert('sessions', array(
'id' => $vars->session['id'],
'mid' => $vars->member['id'],
'ip' => $vars->session['ip'],
'browser' => $vars->session['browser'],
'running' => $vars->time,
'cloak' => $c_cloak,
'key' => $vars->session['key']
-or like previous stated-
$sql->query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE id={$row['v_mid']}");
$vars->member = $sql->fetch();
The sql class's function for insert() simply takes my variables / arrays and converts it into a real sql insert query. It's a lot more organized and cleaner than a billion sql queries.
I used to do it the same way as you until I started coding inside invision. It is truly time efficent, more organized, and generally just cleaner. It also allows for some wicked stuff if you know what you are doing
As far as using functions, generally, if you ever find yourself copy and pasting the same line(s) of code, it's probably better off in a function of some sort.
Other things:
One of the most useful things EVER that invision taught me about php is <<<
$temp = <<<EOF
I can use any f"!'$%ng characters I want in here without back slashing them!
Very, very useful when dealing with html...
as well as...
$temp = "My string containing {$my_variable} = a little string";
It's a hell of a lot easier than doing...
$temp = "My string containing" . $my_variable . " = a little string";
when you have a lot of different variables.