Bans... because... I'm too lazy to convert things.
PS. There is no reason non-mod members should be able to veiw others warning levels (its cause for flame). The warnings are not intended to discredit people
Aye, I suppose. But generally people who were around when it happen know as well.
I'll make a poll and just see what member's say about it.
There is no warn levels.
It'll be like this:
July 9, 2005 - 7:35 am :: Banned from the shoutbox by IsolatedPurity.
Reason: Spamming smilies.
July 10, 2005 - 7:35 am :: Topic deleted by Bolt_Head.
Reason: Asking for hacks.
There can be no requesting of warn levels being removed, because, there is no warn levels! It's just logs. It's all too perfect. And then again, if he makes another topic on hacks and someone else sees it... you know he had his chance.
Is there any reason to hide the names who did the action?