Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Staff Lounge -> Warnings?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2005-07-09 at 01:57:55
Ok so i saw Fortune's warning log just a while ago.
And seriously, what the censored.gif ? He was warned up to 100% and then all of his warnigns taken away, and now up to 20 again. There are other people the same way.

Why are we bothering to warn these people when all we do is shake our finger at them after warning them 5 times then give them a fresh start. Its compleatly pointless warning someone, it holds no value, its just an empty threat. Many of these people get unofficial warnings as well.

I hope V5 has a SERIOUS change to the warning system, cause this is rediculous.

Here is a suggestion until then if you don't like banning people from the site when they get 100% warning. When someone gets warned up to 100% reduce there warning level one level. Then suspend them till it has been 6 months since there first warning.

If 6 months has already passed suspend them for a week, and remove a warning level for each warning that is over 6 months old (properly document it in all cases so we know that the old warnings have been "forgiven")


Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-07-09 at 02:50:46
Senv5 is supposed to just have a log of all actions taken against that user. From then, everytime a user is bad, you use that information to suspend or ban them. There won't be any automatic type shit or deleting of warn levels.

You delete a member's signature because it's too long... and then look at the member's profile to see his signature was wiped out 5 times in the past week. You're like "wtf?!, this censored.gif er never learns" and suspend him for a few days or something.

The reason I don't want anything automatic is because getting warning for trivial shit is a little different then getting warned for posting porn and such.

So really, there is no warn levels.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-07-09 at 04:41:11
Why the censored.gif is everyone going so easy on Devilesk? He's proven himself to be an asshole in the channel and on the forums. Just BAN his ass from BOTH already.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2005-07-09 at 12:29:24
I agree, I looked at his profile and he had his warning level reduced twice. He has accumulated 200% (10 warnings).

Its about time we ask ourselfs, what we are warning these people of. "If you don't stop i'll reduce your warning level and give you a fresh start"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-07-09 at 12:35:23
Usually the suspension is supposed to have some kind of effect.

Yeah, I say 100% should be the end. Make us able to warn up to 40% in increments of 10% depending on the action. Remove every warn that is over 6 months old.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2005-07-09 at 13:27:09
Are members going to be able to veiw there warning log in V5?

Also i think the PM should be mandatory.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-07-09 at 15:35:16
I PM most of the time, the only times I don't I usually let them know by replying to their post or whatever.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-07-09 at 17:19:25
Same here, what I dislike the most is when they reply to the PM saying: "WTF!?!?! THATS NOT A FLAME//SPAM//PORN//WAHTEVER!!1!231321!!!oen!!!!"

Then I link a few posts of mine explaining in detail what is a flame.

Then they make this lame story on how the other person deserved it.

Then I say: "So what? You still shouldn't have flamed."

Then they say: " censored.gif YOU!"

I warn again and the cycle repeats itself.

Once a person gets to 20% he will reach 100%, it's a fact. Just look at all the people at 80% and 60% and all the ones who have been reset.

I say fromt he second warn and later suspend the fellow, each time with a longer suspesion. One day 100% comes and he gets banned.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2005-07-10 at 06:25:53
I think that the warn level should be increased 10% or so each warn and then have a suspend at 70%, suspend again for a longer time at 90% and ban at 100%. Something like that, so the user doesn't get a fresh start.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-07-10 at 07:57:22
A member will be able to view their own logs, they won't be able to see comments people specificly add into their profiles (like if I write in their logs... "This person is so god damn naive", they won't be able to see it...). I'm not sure if other people should be able to see other's actions or not, but it really doesn't make a difference, so why not? Or I'll just leave it up to you guys to decide.

An automatic notice will be sent to the user's account, usually with the option to challenge the action. Like if a topic gets deleted, it will notify the member. If the member challenges and if I, for example, look at the topic and think it's perfectly okay, the challenge will contain the data to restore it. Likewise with signatures, etc, etc. Nothing will every really be totally gone unless unchalleneged for two weeks. People who persist to challenge actions and get denied simply get a long temp ban from being able to challenege actions.

It'll help to be able to tell if a mod is being unnecessarily abusive as well.

Logs will never have to be reset, because they are simply logs.

I really, really dislike the idea of automatic bans.

Everyone wins with my system.

And everyone will get a fresh start in Senv5. All bans, suspensions, warn logs will be earsed.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2005-07-10 at 08:49:15
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ Jul 9 2005, 04:19 PM)
Once a person gets to 20% he will reach 100%, it's a fact.

I disagree with you there. Some people actually do change, unlikely but possable. But more so some people get warned for things they litterally didn't know was wrong. After you warn them there like "oh, I didn't know that was considered spamming" or "oh i didn't know this was a hack free site" whatever.

PS. Nice ideas IP
- So when you say they can veiw there logs but not the comments are you saying the ONLY see the warning level and the time they were warned, maybe the person who warned them?

PS. There is no reason non-mod members should be able to veiw others warning levels (its cause for flame). The warnings are not intended to discredit people
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-07-10 at 20:09:57
QUOTE(isolatedpurity @ Jul 10 2005, 06:57 AM)
And everyone will get a fresh start in Senv5.  All bans, suspensions, warn logs will be earsed.

Bans? People who have been banned have shown that they will not change - why would we give them yet another chance?

And another thing, just why isn't Devilesk banned?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-07-10 at 22:25:03
Bans... because... I'm too lazy to convert things.

PS. There is no reason non-mod members should be able to veiw others warning levels (its cause for flame). The warnings are not intended to discredit people

Aye, I suppose. But generally people who were around when it happen know as well.

I'll make a poll and just see what member's say about it.

There is no warn levels.
It'll be like this:
July 9, 2005 - 7:35 am :: Banned from the shoutbox by IsolatedPurity.
Reason: Spamming smilies.
July 10, 2005 - 7:35 am :: Topic deleted by Bolt_Head.
Reason: Asking for hacks.

There can be no requesting of warn levels being removed, because, there is no warn levels! It's just logs. It's all too perfect. And then again, if he makes another topic on hacks and someone else sees it... you know he had his chance.

Is there any reason to hide the names who did the action?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-07-10 at 23:02:35
I'm going to be blunt about this challenging thing: If I have to spend 30 minutes making arguements every time I warn someone, I'm going to be letting a lot of crap slide because its too much work. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-07-11 at 07:43:12
I say keep the name of the person who did the action. That way the person being warned won't whine about it in public for some stupid reason and not knowing who warned him.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-07-11 at 08:10:33
Moose, challenges well be done in a tier based fashion.
If an action from a forum based moderater gets challenged, a global or admin can anwser it.
If an action from a global gets challeneged, only an admin can anwser it.

If someone challenges the removal of their signature, anwsering the challenge simply means loading the modcp and looking at it and pushing accept or deny. 10 seconds max.

You never really speak to the person. The data is presented as is.
In it's simpliest form, it's just asking for a second opinion.

Really, this should stop any type of argument about mod actions. If you don't like the action that was taken, challenge it. If the challenge was denied, there's really nothing else you can say about it.

Perhaps with the denial of challenges, a -1 admin karma or something can be automatically applied, further lessening the chance of people challenging things they know are stupid.

I'll do my best to even add in pre-loaded and added "reasons" so you don't have to type anything out, like you suggested for the dldb beer.
There will also probably be pre-loaded punishments too. Like if you get banned from the shoutbox, default -50 minerals and -1 admin karma or something.
Select post > Select your reason > Click submit. Done.

I'm going to do my best to make everything be as fast and painless as possible.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2005-07-12 at 18:30:59
Your awsome IP smile.gif
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