I really wanted to say in public that SCMDraft 2 0.5.5 is my favourite editor in the whole world, and nowadays it's the editor I use to do almost everything. That really says something.
I love the way it displays graphics and reads the iscripts properly, and it's so cool when you delete a unit it dies. Being a programmer, I also love the way you write triggers in TrigEdit, and in the past I have used PHP in some cases to generate the text for hundreds of triggers at once, and only TrigEdit makes it as easy as copying and pasting from the output of the trigger generator. SCMDraft is such a pleasure to use and I would recommend it to everyone. I can't wait to see the next version.
So do you guys think SCMDraft rocks or what?
I agree with you on all points, of course. I myself use Textpad or a simple C++ program to generate hundreads of triggers that I need. I just recently made close to 100 triggers in a program that is designed to change the conditions of a trigger to intervals of switches.
Example, say there are 5 switches total and I need to make a trigger for each outcome. Normally this takes a ton of time, even in starforge. But I wrote a program and made all the outcomes in a matter of minutes. I'm thinking of releasing some of the programs I use so that other can benefit from them aswell - they're very simple. Like my switch one asks for 3 things: the switch name, the interval, and the triggers and almost instantly changes them once you run the program.
Yeah, I also love the fact that it doesn't contain a fan base of idiot zealots that think that the editor is "more advanced" if it contains more bugs and allows you to edit data which should be edited internally by the program itself.
...and how they get quiet when a real comparison is made.
Wait, are we being literal?
About the program itself, the latest version never crashed on me (even though there might be a few obscure bugs left undetected). Yet again I never seriously used TrigEdit seriously so it might have bugs relating to the integration of it.
SCMD2 is awsome yes but if theres one thing I dont like about it, is the TrigEdit it has...I just cant understand it. Other than that, i give it a 100/10...if thats possible.
I'm thinking of releasing some of the programs I use so that other can benefit from them aswell - they're very simple. Like my switch one asks for 3 things: the switch name, the interval, and the triggers and almost instantly changes them once you run the program
You just gave me quite an idea...
good to know some people use it
heh right now I am only using Scmdraft 2 for a certain map. I've got most of my triggers done.
I personally like Scmdraft 2 and Trigedit so far. Im taking the time to play with everything in it just like I did with the other editors.
I have major issues accessing triggers with SCMD unless I start making them there. Then they will show up 100% of the time I open trigedit.
Other times its maybe 20% of the maps I open have the triggers come up. The tree is useless too, from my experience, I haven't been able to get it to work.
Otherwise man, great program you have running.
The tree works great for finding triggers, but I think thats all you can do with it right now.
As for the program I use to change switches, here it is:
Sorry about the huge file size.
Yes, SCMdraft2
Very easy to use! I can't wait to see SCMdraft3!
(if there is one...)
I really doubt there will be a scmdraft 3. From what in know, scmdraft 2 was only made to get people away from the idea of the old buggy scmdraft1.
So he renamed it to get old customers back. Good marketing strategy
naw, its scmdraft 2 cause it was done in a different language than 1, and completely done over, not a single line of code from 1 is in 2 (it wouldn't work either due to the language switch).
While 2 will still get updates and features, I currently see no reason to scrap the code to make a 3.
SCMDRaft 2 roxxors chu and rhino's boxxors. I love more then Starforge. >.>
I used to be very biased when it came to editor choice. I grew up with StarForge, so, natrually, I took it's side. The only thing I can say I use StarForge now is array placement (which is very badass in my opinion). When it comes down to it, I would say it's very very hard to do a comparison to SCMD2 and say StarForge is the better editor.
And yes, we can say one is better than the other because one is still in production, and one of them surpasses the other in stability, features, etc..
So, SI, congratulations, you got one of the biggest StarForge users to switch over to your editor. That's something to be proud of.
SCMDraft 2 pisses me off when doing mosaic. I can't make brushes, if I go to another layer, I have to scroll down the whole tileset just to find the tiles I was working with, if I click on a tile "wrong", it goes to the bottom. I can't get Trigedit to save the trigger changes... meh. Starforge has crashed on me before, but I usually save pretty often.
You sound like you're using an older version.
I've always found myself more comfortable with StarForge, but except for a few things, like the fact that TrigEdit allows you to just copy and paste to create a few hundred triggers instantly, I don't see much difference that isn't just down to preference.
SCMdraft2's TrigEdit is VERY annoying and complicated. I use um, SF for triggers.
QUOTE(shadowsniper660 @ Jul 30 2005, 02:37 PM)
SCMdraft2's TrigEdit is VERY annoying and complicated. I use um, SF for triggers.
What's the point of using SF for triggers if you have SCXE?
Also, it's personal preference after you've weighed in the differences between SF and SCMD2...
For example, one difference that isn't "just down to personal preference" is the fact that SCMD2 has far less bugs than SF. Say, very close to 0. Also the fact that it handles maps more... should I say, "respectfully", and doesn't go on deleting rampages (*cough* SF doodads *cough*). Don't forget about the sounds, either.
The only reason I'd use SF is if I absolutely HAD to have custom terrain brushes and unit arrays. Frankly, I don't see such situations occuring very often.
I use both editor, SCMD is badass, but I use SF for triggers and extended terrain (SF's ISOM is :censored:ed though.)Because of some error, I cant place sprites in SCMD though.
QUOTE(shadowsniper660 @ Jul 30 2005, 02:37 PM)
SCMdraft2's TrigEdit is VERY annoying and complicated. I use um, SF for triggers.
Lets compare them!
SetAllianceStatus(P12, AlliedVictory);
Trigger("All players"){
Set Alliance Status("Player 12", Allied Victory);
Preserve Trigger();
WOW. Super complicated when compared to Starforge.
meh I've never found either to be two complicated, they're just different. I am faster on sf's though. SCMD is what I use for most terrain, as well as specific unit and location placement.
If only SCMD had TrigEdit for triggers that wasn't buggy as hell, SF syntax triggers, and SCXE syntax triggers all combined into 1, I could get all of my friends that use SCXE to switch to SCMD.
What trigedit bugs do you mean, I know of none.
And for those who like scmdraft, a preview of the next version
What are you doing with Tank Command? And that version...even
I have a more updated one.
..Just thought I'd point that out..