I "LOVE" scmdraft2, but the triggers are pretty hard to do.
Even though i use SCXE to do trigs after scmdraft2 does terrain,
plz wuld u help me? Maybe Suicidal Insanity?
A file called "trigedit help.txt" should be in your SCMDraft directory, explaining the syntax of the items.
An example trigger would be:
Trigger("Player 1"){
Elapsed Time(At most, 360);
Accumulate("Player 1", At least, 300, gas);
Bring("Player 1", "Terran SCV", "Anywhere", At most, 8);
Switch("Switch 1", set);
Display Text Message(Always Display, "Wow, you are a gosu.");
i LOVE scmd2 triggers, copy and paste, copy and paste
What exactly
are you looking for, Jamals2fat?
Well, jst help, but trig editor is either corrupted or sumthin cause wont open...
Plugins -> Trigger Editor
are you sure it doesn't work? maybe redownload
Yes, For sum reason it wont open. Redownload isnt workin since ive done it b4
Arfe you trying to open the file in explorer or using the menu in scmdraft to openit?