i am a Admin at the new ladder called BattleGrounds
we are looking for someone or ppl who can create us a map pack
if u can plz contact me
i was trying to create them myself but its just kinda hard
and since we are doing everythin the official way etc we want a map creator team or person who can help us with stuff like that im pretty sure the "founder" of battlegrounds will grand the ppl who created the maps a position on the admin team for "map help" since we will be trying to get more and more and also its nice to get updates if there are bugs in a map etc
these are the maps we would like to use
-Rush Hour
-Dream Of Balhae
-Paranoid Androide
-Lost Temple 2.4
-Luna The Final
-Ride Of Valkyries
-Dahlia of Jungle
if u are able to create a
BG- <name map>
version of these maps plz contact me
People who created the maps or helped working on them will be mentioned on our site
Contact me?.
my email is:
or PM me aka NoReAgA on
http://nk.ssxh.netBattleGrounds Site -
http://nk.ssxh.netThanks in ahead hope some of u can create these maps for us