After the start and subsequent banning of EUDs I revived a concept DW and I had discussed back when trigedit was being planned, namely patching SC to add new trigger conditions and new trigger actions.
While I have not settled on a final list of actions to add, and I am not even sure I will release this, I am making a thread for suggestions (dont post "All EUD actions" or anything similar)
Planned is a integer based var system, basic arithmatic, moving locations relative to other locations, and one or two other things.
This will likely be considered a hack by blizzard, just as a warning. While I have not been banned yet while using the test patcher on there are absolutely no promises here. However the disconnect problem will not occur, the patcher is designed in such a way that people without the app active cannot join games requiring it.
Due to the new triggers and map format you will most likely have to use scmdraft to use these triggers.
Sounds useful, but I'm thinking the "innovation" part of map-making may be taken away.
QUOTE(Mp)Sniper @ Aug 19 2005, 05:51 PM)
Sounds useful, but I'm thinking the "innovation" part of map-making may be taken away.
Why? this will probably reduce the number of fancy tricks required to do basic things such as aligning locations, however it will still have limits somewhere, and also will free effort from doing workarounds to trying new things.
QUOTE(Mp)Sniper @ Aug 19 2005, 05:51 PM)
Sounds useful, but I'm thinking the "innovation" part of map-making may be taken away.
Yeah opening the way for people to make better maps is definately less innovating. Matter of fact this project by nature isnt innovating. It's not doing anything to revolutionize or help the SC community at all!!! [/obviousSarcasm]
You have my small list, SI. I'll try to think of more stuff as I go along.
Yes, I'm hoping you received mine.
So, shall we just post other ones we think of in this thread?
[center]Oh... Your... God... If Blizzard doesn't go crazy over this, it may be just as revolutionary to map making as EUD's were... Keep on striving for immortality, SI.[/center]
Great minds think alike, I guess. I've already started on an identical project. And if we have two different "extra trigger" patching programs...well, that would be bad, I think. So...if you're serious about this, maybe we should work together?
Oh, Oh, I know!!
Pair up with Heindal.
Or, would that be of two things?
1. To much of a blow to your ego?
2. Impossible?
QUOTE(Heimdal @ Aug 20 2005, 12:47 AM)
Great minds think alike, I guess. I've already started on an identical project. And if we have two different "extra trigger" patching programs...well, that would be bad, I think. So...if you're serious about this, maybe we should work together?
We can discuss it, you should still have my AIM info. I dont know how far you are and what sort of research you have already done into the SC data structures / internal function calls.
Also still waiting on word from my contact at blizz, not looking good tho
ultimate duo man.
Sounds like a great idea though.
I was thinking of something like...
A program that would connect all mods togeather. When someone wants to create a game with a certain mod, they run this program.
How it would work?
-You would input your login information ahead of time.(Cd key I guess to...)
-When you create a game with it, it would use it's own devices to connect to,
check if the game is made and if it isn't it would create the game with a password(Default would be the normal password so regular people can't see the game).
-When you create the game, the program would add it to a list so other people with the program can see your game, the mod your playing.
-When they join using the program, it would auto get them into the game using default as the password.
-To connect\create, you could make a program that would "move the mouse"(I know this is runescape people use it to auto mine n stuff), and would auto select multiplayer\create\join bla bla bla. Since Sc is always in a 640x480 resolution, resolution shouldn't have any conflict at all.
-If you want your game passworded, you can enter a password over default.
If someone made a program like that, that would be nifty. It would be like adding full online mod support to I know the creator of stealthbot used his own devices to connect to tried to shut the bot down or something..but since he showed blizzard it didn't fall into conflict with the EULA they stopped, emails are on his website somewhere).
Can we make anything that can help me do my math homework? Like somewhat advanced algebra/trigonometry? hahaha that would be too good to be true... ...get homework done using sc. I'm willing to help!
Try a calculator.
Anyway, if made correctly this could be more revolutionary than EUD's.
The moving locations thing I could find so incredibly usefull.
Variables... I'd do almost anything to have VARIABLES in SC triggers...
QUOTE(Min @ Aug 20 2005, 05:57 PM)
I know the creator of stealthbot used his own devices to connect to tried to shut the bot down or something..but since he showed blizzard it didn't fall into conflict with the EULA they stopped, emails are on his website somewhere).
No, the bot clearly goes against the EULA, Blizzard only told Stealth to remove one of his mirrors, because it linked to hacks I believe.
No, the bot clearly goes against the EULA, Blizzard only told Stealth to remove one of his mirrors, because it linked to hacks I believe.
When I come home after work I will dig up the emails. I do remember though, they tried to shut it down.
I'm looking into which unit conditions to add atm, code is ready, IE instead of [modifier] [number] [unit] at [location] making [modifier] [number] [unit] at [location] with properties [health?mana?shield?], I may even manage stuff like affected by spell...
Hey could you somehow add a "modify kills" action? Theres a modify deaths action but I've always wanted to do it with kills.
QUOTE(Sniper @ Sep 2 2005, 01:52 AM)
Hey could you somehow add a "modify kills" action? Theres a modify deaths action but I've always wanted to do it with kills.
Yeah I would like that trigger. But I wouldn't know how SI woujld manage it...
*Changes Computer*
QUOTE(shadowsniper660 @ Sep 2 2005, 06:39 PM)
Yeah I would like that trigger. But I wouldn't know how SI woujld manage it...
*Changes Computer*
I can look into it, shouldnt be too hard, problem just is making sure the kills at the end of the game still match up.
Obvious ones would be ability to detect all forms of spells when used, and also be able to count the number of times they are and subtract and add to this number or change it completely as the user saw fit.
Ability to know the health/mana of a unit at any time, likely through its location, and not "generally", although ability to set all units with health/mana of a certain number, or maybe above/below it would be nice. IE all marines with health below 50 etc.
Maybe be able to pinpoint location on the map by pixel count or something.
Ability to work with kills as people wanted.
That kind of thing
Greater than, Less Than, between deathcounts. That would be the biggest help to me.
Why not just wait for PR to come out and have like no limits and infinite impossibilities?
Variables. Thats all I ask for.