CTRL+V? Paste. Click on fast replay, post your ctrl+v! Do not try to copy something else, or change your paste. That's dumb. I'll post mine after a few people start posting theirs.
*Directions- Click on fast reply, and press CTRL+V. If nothing happens, you didn't copy anything, so just slowly.. close out the window.
Um..keep it to like.. once per every 75 (if it gets to 75) replies..
Explanation: I was changing flingy settings in Arsenal. This is the Wraith's acceleration value.
That's it. I just turned my computer on 10 minutes ago, so....
That's the title of a game on B.net hosted by the map's very own creator who claims that it's a virus. Map crashes after mission briefings.
lolololoollololo joining dk's game.
I seriously don't have anything...
Joining a game...
Nothing, just turned my computer on.
okay, returned from battle.net
have no idea what I copied, but hear it is
OH yeah, I was telling SEN to shut up.
Yeah, well it failed. I ~cq'ed your ~scq. GG
Voyager.. can't you read? I said like, once per so many replies..
My copy and paste doesn't work.. It will copy it, but if I click too many times to get to where I need to paste it, it doesn't paste.
You're not going to get 75 different users to post anyway.
Neutral players bring at least 1 dark swarm to DIE
NAME REMOVED: tell colin "my computer is messed up and i cant see the IM with him and to IM me on his other sn"
Helping a friend on AIM.