What is the game Zerg Pets? I wanted to play it but it says its disabled what is it?
Someone figured out a bug that allowed you to get nearly infinite minerals, you could stay in the hotel for negative days.
That's why it was disabled, not what it was...
There was another bug that gave you a ton of levels. This made gLiTcHz0r II the most dominent pet. (Or was it gLiTcHz0r I?)
omg.. i never got too play it did you like get a zergling and get to play with it like a pet?
it was dk that did it right?
I used to own that, by making my pets play eachother
Then some ass owned it with the levelling ><
Yeah, you raised Zerglings and things as pets and you fought each other...etc...
Pokemon, except not really.
All the games are pretty dead.