When I go into Starcraft Broodwar., get into multiplayer, it comes up with these four options.
Direct Cable Connection
Loacal area Network (IPX and UDP)
Where the hell is the battlenet option?
This has happened to me before I think...
Did you try restarting StarCraft?
I've already restarted my computer, teh game, reconnecting the internet.
As usual, blizzard's tech support page was no help.
Got the same message a couple of times myself, just wait a whil before trying again, think that should work.
Great, nothing to do all afternoon.
and I don't feel like acting like my brother yelling
constantly so...
I downgraded StarCraft once and Battle.net disappeared... That might have something to do with it...
I haven't messed around with any SC files, patches or anything.
Only teh X-tra editor.
I did mess around with soemf iles as part of the bliazzard trouble shooting junk.
Reinstall sc again again, restart, dl b.net patch
Just did.
Dangit, why does blizz have to make the patches take FOREVER to dl?
(Enter a very rude, vulgar, and offensive string of insults towards blizzard here.)
Yea, anyway, alot of people have had this. Reinstall if you havnt fixed it.
it makes infested terrains go bye bye and increades a connection error
don't do it