To Apply:
Simply reply to this topic with your account and provide the following information:
- Links to Topics, Maps or anything that proves your knowledge in your section of work.
Don't be shy in this area - this is the area I am mainly looking at.
I don't have any links to good melee maps because I haven't been mapping recently. But... I have my share in understanding of melee, how it works, unit stats and counters and such. I can probably explain why certain maps won't work while others do even though they may look similar.
- Why you would want to become staff here.
I love Starcraft and I would very much like to help the fastest growing community that's related to it! Do I need any other reasons?
- Some of the things you would do to improve the section you are applying for.
Everything you listed already. Anything else I can think of that is helpful. I've been here for quite a while so I would know what is good and what is bad; by removing and enforcing certain bad parts of the forum as well as maps, it will create a much better and more professional place.
- Knowledgable is a must. You must know what people are talking about. You don't have to be the smartest person on the site, you just have to know 90% of all things to do with your section.
Been meleeing for a long time. I know just about every type of strategy people have ever made. Obviously, in order to understand that, I can also tell them how that would apply into melee maps.
- Committed. You have to be ready to help people and do whats in their best interest.
- Calm. Not everyone you meet will be a shining example of humanity. Keep your cool.
- You need an AIM or MSN to keep in contact with Yoshi.
Been here for a long time. I think I'm pretty committed. I've been posting in serious discussin, if anything has helped, that place has been the ultimate challenge in keeping your cool. Otherwise, you'll look like an idiot.
Already have your msn. =D