Wow, I come back and find this
How nice...
To Apply:
Simply reply to this topic with your account and provide the following information:
- Links to Topics, Maps or anything that proves your knowledge in your section of work. Don't be shy in this area - this is the area I am mainly looking at.
- Why you would want to become staff here.
- Some of the things you would do to improve the section you are applying for.
Here are some link's to some of my own topic's... - The creation of SlyCraft! - The thought of the
Beta Mod - InsanseSC (95% completed)
The reason i'm applying to become a staff, Is because that I feel that I can make a real improvement in the modding community, And I can really inspire people to actually make mod's, So that the Modding Database can grow larger and larger, I also feel that I can really help people that are in need of assistance. I'm also going to be more and more active since I don't have to worry about school anymore. I also enjoy the community and the people that come to chat here. I also get along with many people of the SEN community, If people don't get along with me, Then I will have to deal with it. Not evrey one is going to be nice
. I know it take's alot of responsibility to become a moderator, And to handle the job, But i'm willing to give my 80% of being a moderator to this site.
Some thing's I would do to improve the section i'm applying for, Is that I know that I can start helping people if they really need the help, I will be very willing to look for what does and does not belong in the section. I will alway's be working on mod's to submit to the DLDB. Also the people that are in need of some modding assistance, I know that I will be there for them as much as I can. I would also hold about 5-6 modding competition's monthly, Or yearly. Depend's on how many people are into modding
Also, For the record I would like to put a little more to the application:
I would make the modding section of the website more noticeable by the member's of this website, That never get a real chance to ever see what modding is really all about, I would do this by helping the new comer's to this wbesite, And new comer's to the world of modding. I would also donate around 50+ USD, To see all of the mod's that I help people with be included into the DLDB, I know that the people that I help will have way bigger file sizes than what there suppose to have... Don't worry Yoshi, This isn't bribary
Since I don't have school to think about anymore, I will be working on more and more mod's for the website, And for the modding community/world. In the near future, I may be going into the military. Once I retire from there, I would have a good look on how to make very nice war mod's, If there isn't enough already.
Also, I have some contact detail's if you can't reach me here, But I know you can since I will be 80% active
, (The other 20% is going toward's modding).
I will also be taking the time to fix up the tutorial's in the the Tutorial Base, Some of the tutorial's I was looking at earlier were 60% wrong. So I will donate some of my precious time to fix them up also.
I have a few mod's on my PC as of right now, If you wan't to check them out, I will be adding them to the DLDB in a few day's, Or you can just PM me and ask me for them. I have alot of knowledge about modding, Alot of people may know this by now, I even created my own Modding clan.
I used to be a moderator at a few big site's, But most of them are dead now. I was almost a Global Moderator on all of them, So I have alot of experience of being a moderator.
Thank's for the time of reading my application, If you don't think i'm worthy of getting the spot, No hard feeling's, We can alway's be friends