QUOTE(Slyence @ Sep 13 2005, 07:16 PM)
Okay... I think this idea will be a complete failure. Not to be rude or anything, but don't copy SeN.
Well, he really wants to start a new map making site, I don't mind. Letme give you some tips:
- Innovation over emulation. People won't join if you offer something that someone else does. SEN was orginally based on innovation, by making it the first UMS mapping website. Eventually it was expanded to include modding and melee, but UMS remains to be the roots. With that being said, you have to think up a good idea to base it around.
- Content. One thing that I dislike about many starting up websites and webmasters is that the first thing they love to put their attention on - is getting members and users. You're not building a website to only have lots of people (although it is prefered and welcomed), but you are making it to provide a service and community that is unique. Telling people to "tell their friends" and "force signups before viewing the board" (if you read my signup rant in the serious forum a while ago
) is the wrong way to look at this - some of the best sites can also have smaller communities as well. Just don't force people into it, people will join and participate being their own choice. SEN started with like 5 friends of mine, and all we did was we had fun and good discussions. As long as you have the basis for people to come, they will come slowly one by one, you cannot expect instant results.
- Moderators and Staff. A lot of new websites also like to get a lot of staff and moderators. BAD idea. Moderators and staff are people who assist you in running your site, and they help out by understanding your ultimate goals, and they do their best to fill it in. This is why Mini Moose 2707 isn't changing this site into a "Rate my pictures" site, or DT_BK isn't accepting warez and cracked programs into the downloads database. Because they know how the site works and its ultimate goal. When you are starting out, your site's goals and general standards are yet undefined. When you get a lot of staff members, they may feel differently or have different opinions. Later this is Okay and encouraged, but when you're starting out, having different people put input isn't always the best idea, after all, its supposed to be your orginal idea and you want to look back and say you LIKED the way things turned out. You don't want to be regretting that your audience was attracting pro melee players on a ums map making website, and so on.
- Cooperation and communication. One of the things I personally think this community most lacks is the websites abilities to cooperate and communicate. Sites that are relativity getting off on the right foot start having influences. If you want your news post on some other site, ask them. You return the favour if someone asks you (within reason, of course). Cooperate and someone will eventually do something back for you. If you hide in your little hole on the internet, you are missing oppertunities to make wonderful friends in the community, chances to have benifits and participation in more important things.
- Be yourself! No ones perfect. Everyone says stupid things. Don't act differently, because it ain't any fun. Participate and meet new people. You're doing this to have fun
- Copy Existing idea or make a new one? A stiking question that many people face, is, should they be a lemming and do what everyone else does, or take a risk and do something no one has done? Whenever possible, make your own ideas. Ask your friends or members when in doubt. You shouldn't strive to be totally different, some ideas that other people thought up are sometimes the best way of going about and doing things, and some of the time, your ideas will end up as failures. Failure is just a part of the experience. Don't give up and try something else.
Okay, thats about it. I hope this helps you (and anyone else who reads it and it considering something simular).