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Staredit Network -> Literature & Writing -> U.S. Constitution Essay
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Slyence on 2005-09-20 at 18:37:49
Okay, here is a essay I had to write for a essay, tell me if evreything is correct, or if anything is incorrect.

[center]The Constitution of the United States[/center]
a constitution is defined as a formal plan of government. The Constitution is America's constitution which means it is our formal plan of government. Think of the Constitution as a recipe book for our government.

In the summer of 1787, delegates from 12 states assembled in Philadelphia to address some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was America's first constitution. Since the Articles of Confederation were so poor the delegates decided to scrape them and start all over, and create an entirely new system of national government.

A new form of government was outlined in the Constitution. Since the delegates had an idea of what they wanted government to look like, they organized their ideas by setting some goals they wanted to achieve. The goals of the Constitution can be found in the preamble, " form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic Trangquility, provide for the common defense, provide the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.". The delegates also knew they did not want to give too much power to any single group of people. So they divided our governemnt into three branches the Legislative branch, the Judical branch, and the Executive branch. The Legislative branch makes the laws, the Executive branch enforces the laws and the Judical branch interprets the laws.

There was fear the the new government would deny the citezens of the United States of their rights so the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1790. After the Bill of Rights was added all of those states that had not yet ratified the Constitution did so. The whole process from beginning to end took about two years ( September 1787 to Spring 1790 ). Evidently the framers of the Constitution knew what they were doing because for more than 200 years the Constitution has provided the framework for the United States government and has helped preserve American citenzens' basic rights. Our constitution has also been a model for many other constitutions around the world.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Chef on 2005-09-21 at 15:25:32
If this is for highschool, you'd be looking at a fail.

Main things:
Check spelling more carefully, I saw a bunch of errors in there.
Introduction is bland and doesn't say what you're going to be talking about.
None of the paragraphs lead into eachother.
There's only 4 paragraphs (It's fine in some situations... but this isn't one of them)
The conclusion doesn't really conclude anything...

One of the many stupid things:
Our constitution has also been a model for many other constitutions around the world.

Really? Which nations and how? When writting an essay, it's customary to say something, and then back it up with examples and logical statements. Especially since, you know, the constitution is loosly based on the ten commandments (I learned this in Law class, I'm asuming it's true), which means other constitutions aren't inspired by America's constitution, but by the morals of judio-christianism (or whatever it's called).

Also, I don't believe the constitution is a plan of government, it just lays out the ground rules for statutes and common law (anything not constitutional is illegal).

To be fair, I've never studied America's constitution, but some of this is just so ridiculous I don't believe it.

Unless you're specifically instructed, for you own benifit you should do 5 paragraph essays by the book (so to speak).

PS: If this is your first essay, don't worry about it, they'll help you get better.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-09-24 at 05:18:37
You don't need to make this, I can't trust you with all these threads you made because you probably could've just stole them and this essay has mistakes what PsychoTemplar has said.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mystical on 2005-09-24 at 19:52:56
Damn krazy,

I can believe this is a essay. I had to write one on the U.S. Constitution in college. Do you and Slyence have a grudge or something?

Anyway, The essay is quite good, it explains evreything on the U.S. Constitution, if I were to grade it, I would have to say a B.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dr.Shotgun on 2005-09-24 at 20:03:35
Really? I would give him a C or a D. Dismal, as PsychoTemplar pointed out. I'm probably a lot younger than you, and I could write a better esaay on the same subject. Hell, I have.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Chef on 2005-09-24 at 22:42:21
All I know is that if you handed that in my any of my courses, you'd fail. If it were grade 9 and they knew it were the first essay you'd ever written, they wouldn't fail you, but they would offer extra help and tell you it's not enough.

Unless you're in a bull**** class where you can hand anything in... but I'm asuming this is for a higher end class, like, not civics (civics is a total joke where I go).
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