Lol! I'm not needing MemGraft yet, I'm making do with StarDraft to run my MPQs.
If you're interested, I've attached what I've done so far (I've been following DT_Battlekruser's FAQ so far while I get used to the tools.)
I've only changed Terran, and they'll be the Imperials (Imperial Guard and Space Marines) I will do Zerg next and they will be Tyranids. Protoss will be Eldar, when I get there.
Marine > more health & armour (Space Marine)
Ghost > less health, cost & buildtime, Burst Laser- made it upgradeable by Terran Ground Weapons (Imperial Guardsman)
Wraith > Hero's Burst Laser so it is upgraded by Terran Air Weapons
Battlecruiser > Shields and Gemini Missiles (Thunderhawk)
Valkyrie > given it Gauss Rifle as ground weapon, but get no sound -
Can anyone tell me how to add this in? (Land Speeder)
Firebat > gave it a Gauss rifle for fun
and lots more durability (Terminator)
Goliath > Gave it much more survivability (Dreadnought)
Vulture > have it Dual Photon Blasters (Eldar Jetbike)
Burst Lasers > Made upgeadeable by Terran Infantry Weapons, gave it less power, lower cooldown and made it ground and air (Lasgun)
These changes aren't final, and I haven't edited any strings yet, but that's what I plan doing next. Will post a list of all Terran name changes soon.