Dont you hate it when you see a ad and its says stuff like free computer or free xbox or sumthing like that and u try to get it and u try to get it then you have so sign up to a bunch of crap and you can never really get it because it just deletes the stuff and says you didnt enter something dosent that crap suck..?
you should of made an poll
And yes it does
My friend actually did get a free X-Box from one of those things. So it is possible...
I dispise your friend voyager he just pissed me off
Click here to win a FREE* Xbox®!!
[sub]*[sub]You must be our slaves forever[/sub][/sub]
No, it's
Click here for a free* laptop
[sub]*The information used to contact you and ship your free gift is not protected by any privacy policy and is openly shipped to third parties.[/sub]
[center]Yeah, there's no point in clicking those links unless you want a ton of spam Emails, and in some cases real spam mail. They like selling yuor personal information, that's how they make money.[/center]
You are just supposed to ignore them. I never try and win a free thing because I know I will have to sign up all these things and give out my e-mail address for even more junk mail.
your supost give fake info like 123fake street
or 101011 or 123@fake.F-U-C-K
Then they don't know where to send your free laptop to, do they
You just give them a fake e-address or one you don't use often
the only one i know of thats real, is free ipos. i know a few people who have tryed it and got em. im about to try it too.
No it's not.
Don't even say that.
Step1. Sign up, free
Step2. Surveys which take 3 hours, free..
Step3. Buy stuff they advertise then you get your item!
You have pay for something somewhere in that, so whatever to you.
Anyone heard of the thingy? I think it's fake, because they dont give any names of who won anymore, and I've been able to controll the timer with refreshes, it would be at like 45, i'd refresh, and it'd be at 55 again.
Just ignore them. I didn't have to click them to realize they're fake when I was 9 years old. Anyone that wastes their time on them recieves no sympathy from me, and kudos to whoever managed to think of yet another way to trick idiots into allowing them more money.