Okay, so now I get to justify why I'm leaving again. On a completely superficial note, this site has been going down faster than a dress on prom night, and its sort of irritating. Not to mention, its blocked from my school for pornography.
Does anyone else notice that they only get reports when they are gone for extended periods of time? I checked like three days in a row for new PMs and got none, so I thought I wouldn't miss anything while I was gone on an overnight with the band. Wrong. I got like five new reports or whatever. That pisses me off.
Speaking of Band, I'm also House Manager, Co Paint Crewhead and Assistant Stage Manager. Think of it as co-admin of the real world

In short, with practices monday tuesday and thursday, football games friday and all day practices/festivals, I haven't been very active. And to be honest, I haven't really cared. I mean, you really stop caring how active you are on online forums when your grades begin to slip and getting home with the sun still up is surreal.
I'd also like to point out that my sister's boyfriend commited suicide today, and my friend's mother died suddenly. I highly doubt any of you know of anything surrounding those issues (maybe IP remembers when I told him a while ago), but my sister has been in and out of the hospital for a year now, almost to the point where its natural for me to come home and hear that she went to the ER, or that they gave her new meds.
The marching season ends on the 22 of October. The Fall Play is the first week of November. I'll see ya'll around then.
Yea, I have no intention of informing the community. You may see a guest have a strikingly similiar IP address, but I won't be commenting.