I made my little city with a mod i found, i liked to make these screenshoot, mod isn't mine, and i never said it was my mod.
Zander you are being a big child, calm down and shut the
up, it's not your mod because i found it on a hacker site, are you a hacker? I don't copyied anything ON YOU, i have the grp's files if anyone want, this was made with moddfied grp, i don't wanted to make my one with icecc and waste my time because i'm extremly noob at icecc.
I just wanted to have fun with a mod i found, and now a man is against me? Wtf is being here?
It's not even your idea. The mod on the hacker's site was made in 2003
Did you know in 2003 the existing of the mod of starcraft? And how to do a mod?
I seen about 2-3 weeks asking beginning's question?
Here is no problem, but don't be angry for nothing and attack someone for nothing like a child
-Do i Close it?-