To IP or Moose or whoever this concerns.
I just want to let everyone in staff know that i'm intending on retireing soon within the next week or so. I want you all to know so you can make proper arangements if needed. I'll post about it when its done.
Thanks for everything,
- Bolt_Head
You're not doing this at the best time, man. Your wisdom and age make you one of the biggest boons that we have here. Even if you retire from mapping, please consider staying around to help moderate and such.
I've practiclly been retired from Starcraft for over a year now. I'm sorry but i'm not basing my timing off of SENs series of events. You should check my PM box I havn't read a report all month. And i'm not going to stay around to be an enforcer.
He's not basing his retirement on the series of events. It's true. He told me about him retiring officially a long while ago.
Yeah, Bolt has been "retired" forever, just like Clokr and Beer.
Like my Title under my Avatar says lol
I've phased you out as much as I can, say the word and I'll finish the job.
In the past months, Bolt mostly did stuff stuff like move topics and correct n00bs.
I could try that if you feel I'm up to it, Moose.
Moose, I resigned my Leadership of (U)... Could you give the Clan Panel Options to Legacy Please and remove my name from the mod list of that section.
I definately don't have the Clan Control Panel.
I don't know where to control that from. I'm assuming it comes with the moderator spot on the forum.
No not all the moderators have access to it. I don't have it anymore, I assume you set somone as the leader somehow moose.
I asked IP and he got it for me. Thanks anyways

You will be missed. You were already one of the really well-known mappers when I first started Starcraft.
Good luck with life.