If you were to live in a generic Protoss, Terran, or Zerg building, based on and only on aesthetic preferences, which would you choose?
I would go with Zerg!
Terran, because their buildings are pretty human-like. All protoss buildings are for warping, so you don't really know what they look like and Zerg buildings are all mucus-covered and icky with creep.
Terran Starport
I would go with Zerg!
Technically, you can't live
in a Zerg building, because the buildings themselves are just giant organs.
I would live in a Terran building, myself.
A mineral field. Because it would be cool and crystally.
If it HAS to be a race's building, a Fleet Beacon. That crystal dome would be cool.
Arbiter Tribunal
I bet they got cool toilets there!
Ya, definantly a fleet beacon or a arbiter tribunal. Just for the crystal.
Terran, U can live in the CC, And the zerg and protoss, would scare the shiz outta me, so, i'd blast my greenday music full blast in there and make it echo!( OMG NEW FILTER IS SHIZ!?)
Protoss Gateway (The one that builds zealots!)
Tis quite a masterpiece.
Protoss Starport. I'm sure the standard of living is very high, nd it would really cool to see all the advanced ships being made.
I would most definatley live in a nydus canal.
Althought I prefer Terran over Zerg.
I would live in either an Overmind or an Ion Cannon.
O, we're donig special buildings?
In that case definantly a Xel'naga temple. they're sexy.
They pwned protoss and terran
And i would be sleeping with kerrigan. Maybe
ing her.
Bunker. You can actually go IN it.
And i would be sleeping with kerrigan. Maybe ban.gif ing her. wink.gif shifty.gif
EWWW. I bet she has spikes there.That's what Tazzy told me anyway.
The Terran Starport would definatley be the coolest.
The point of this thread is whether you would rather live in a ZERG, PROTOSS, OR TERRAN building, NOT what building in particular you would want to live in, and BASED ON AESTHETIC PREFERENCES.
Technically, you can't live in a Zerg building, because the buildings themselves are just giant organs.
Tell that to a gut-worm.
I've noticed that all the buildings in starcraft couldn't really house many units in starcraft. Given the dimensions, I would probably have to say the Psi Disruptor, just because its big and cool looking.
QUOTE(EzDay281 @ Oct 30 2005, 02:17 PM)
Tell that to a gut-worm.
Maybe I will
I've noticed that all the buildings in starcraft couldn't really house many units in starcraft. Given the dimensions, I would probably have to say the Psi Disruptor, just because its big and cool looking.
Okay, there just isn't any response to this...
I would prefer to live in Protoss buildings because I'm sure they stay clean and have all sorts of hightech gizmos.
Although if I were to choose one specific building, it would be the Academy. That particular building has always been my favorite since I started playing SC (the scream it makes when you click it still gets a chuckle out of me).
[center]Bunker for teh win!
I dunno, I live in a box.[/center]