I am making a program that has lots of little ASM programs, and I want it to be a bit more professional than just a 8XG and a textfile saying "Send the group to the calculator and ungroup all the programs."
I would just make an ASM Program to create all the files, but that would be lengthy and time consuming, since I want all the loaded ASM files compiled. And some of the files I do not have the source for anymore.
If there is a way to ungroup a group with ASM or BASIC (does not matter) then I could make a single program they run, do a few settings, then it deletes itself, all other used programs for the installation, and the group file.
If that isnt possable I could just have them load 20 files and then run a program for the rest.. or use a group.. But that would be annoying. (Much simpler to load a few programs and a group then having to load a group, ungroup, run the program, and then delete the group)
i've never made a flash app either.
i don't know about InGroup. i found cxGroup, cxUnGroup, and GroupObj, but they're just equates. you're looking for a rom call, i'm sure. try
ticalc.org. there is definetly a way to ungroup files with z80, since the tios does it.