QUOTE(LegacyWeapon @ Oct 31 2005, 10:32 PM)
Doesn't this belong in the Staff forum because that's where all the moderators are?
Depends on how spammy they are. I actually prefer unapproving them so they remain as evidence of spam.
If it's like really bad (pron, massive amounts of random text, etc), delete it. Otherwise, just lock it.
Because the Staff forum also has the PEOPLE in it. The PEOPLE include spammers, though I'm not saying everyone is a spammer. Here, I can discuss topics that plague SEN, without going offtopic, such as comparing symbols of Hitler to pie.
With that logic, couldn't you also say that the thread "state of SEN" belongs in Staff as well?
I placed this in this thread because I wanted to discuss this thread with the select people, that should be known for their constructiveness.
I appreciate you replying, but what you say is very vague. "Spammy", "massive" "really" doesn't clarify things at all, since people have different definitions of each.
I guess Staff forum is only for Staff. I just thought after I saw Slyence's post that it was going to be another useless forum... Anyway, this should be moved.