Yeah, nice idea.
We do need some more uses for the SEN currency.
Right now they are a symbol of pride to most people, like in India and Pakistan, they have nuclear missiles, see them as their symbol of pride and not using them.
But that is what the green bars are for.
Someone needs to program in a lottery system maybe, you can buy a max of 10 tickets costing 50 minerals each, and after two weeks (every other saturday) the winner will be randomly generated and will win the minerals that everyone paid for tickets.
This may sound silly, but maybe an auction system. For example,
♦ = symbol for minerals (alt + 4)
------User------|||||------Item-----|||||Starting Bid|||||Current Bid|||||Latest Bidder||
Mini Moose 2707|||||Picture of me!||||| 1500♦ |||| 1795♦ |||KaboomHaHahein|
Doodan |||||Great signature||| 700♦ |||| 900♦ |||Syphon8|
Cheezus |||||Guided programming tutorial|||| 500♦ ||| 600♦ ||| Krazy
Merrell |||||Something from my desk||||| 800♦ |||| 900♦ ||| Kusion
Etc Etc...
If the sellers are just getting minerals, then they need something to spend the minerals on. Well, they could simply use them on other auctions, but I think the shop needs more items.
In addition to the current items: (Also, give a warning to the glowings/whatever that they do not work in firefox.
5 more PM inbox space.---------100
♦Get one mineral extra with each posts that already give you minerals-----2000
♦Buy 1 Card
♦..out of ideas..
*For a card system I was thinking about. Once you buy 7 cards (you may not buy any more), you can look at them and play a poker concept with them, and get:
Royal Flush- 5000
♦Straight Flush- 4000
♦Four of a Kind- 3000
♦Full House- 2500
♦Flush- 2000
♦Straight- 1000
♦Three of a Kind- 800
♦ Two Pair- 500
♦One Pair- 250
♦Other ways to spend minerals.. well, the new games in v5 will pretty much cover that (if there ever will be a v5..)