Just interested as to what the 5% of active SEN that actually visits the literature forums actually likes.
[center]As long as it's not dull and tedious, I'll read anything.
EDIT: SP.[/center]
Science Fiction.
Animorphs, Hitchhiker's Guide, all Asimov's short stories, etc.
I like sci-fi with no aliens. Just future prediction sort of stories. (Where its a bunch of colonists on another world, and they explode. Or its a mission to jupitor, and they explode. Or...)

I like a pretty down to earth Sci Fi.
I don't want any Klingon stuff, just a book with a small hint of Sci Fi.
That and Historical Fiction, those are pretty interesting.
yu forgot to put horror...

Yeah it was kind of late...
I put murder and mystery!
i mainly like sci fi, fantasy, and comedy. terry pratchett usually cover all of these

Action(Murder?) and Comedy
Murder stories! There so cool and scarey
I wonder why people like Sci-Fi?

Science Fiction and Western: Animorphs, Halo(The books is even better than the game, almost) and Morgan Kane.
Sci-Fi Comedy, like the hitch hiker guide. Or the space oddesey series. (Yes, I found it funny.)
Why don't people like fantasy?

That's like, all I read...
action anime

see you have to have that anime in there

Murder stories! There so cool and scarey
I wonder why people like Sci-Fi?
Somebody dies, somebody finds out, somebody gets put in jail.
Scifi? Just read Hitchhikers. Or Animorphs. Or Asimov.