The right thing to be
I should... be the man of house, fixin all the fixets and never cleanin' no dishes
I Should... know how to repair and manage a car, because that's one of those things that real men "should" do...
I Should... look at things the way you do, look at all the lies, the faulties, the things that you say to yourself, "I would never do"...
I Should... be the 1 snappin at people over a locked front door! Goin off on everyone just cuz my mind was in a mental slump...
I Should be... a man... be everything a man should be, live a life a life I hate and blame everyone else on my mistakes...
I Should be... Just like you; Strong, tough, brave, and very energetic-
To be Just like you- to be arrogant, ignorant, unhappy with myself, and never sympathetic or sincerely apologetic.
Yeah, I should be a man like you...
I Should be a man as long as the words "You Should" are as hypocritical as the words "What's right".
They're exactly the same, they both refer to what THEY want out of me, what they want me to be. I Should do what they want, what the whole world wants, it's the "right" thing to do...
The right thing to do or to be, is in the eyes of the beholder, it means whoever says it is saying it from their point of view, not THE ONLY point of view...
So as long as I "should" be what they want, as long as they say it's "right" to be what they want, and as long as I'm me, I think I'll do the right thing, as stay that same ol' J.o.e.
~Thanks for the inspiration bro, always in my heart
Thanks for reading it, no need for a comment-reading was enough.
~Tdnfthe1(If you're confused a bit, the real name's Joe)