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Staredit Network -> Staff Lounge -> DLDB Keeping resignation
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PCFredZ on 2005-12-04 at 12:08:47
sad.gif I'll cut to the chase. My dad feels I'm spending too much time on internet games (namely SC on and this site, and wants me to cut them down dramatically-- as in, 100%.

While I'm sure that I'll be able to sneak on or somethingm and I'm sure I can still manage it from time to time, especially the Mac section, since Mac users here are pretty rare. However, it does not seem like I can continue full-time DLDB keeping. Therefore it is to my deepest disappointment that I have to resign from the full time position.

Whether or not I should keep the DLDB Admin function is up to y'all, though as I said before, I can still be resourceful in the Mac section. Nevertheless, it appears that what with Slyence gone and Merrell on 56k, we should get at least 1 more DLDB keeper.

My recommendation is to pick someone who is modest (e.g. not Kept_Wheat), fair (e.g. not someone who would deny a Defense just because he doesn't like it), and just as equal in importance, very active on SEN, which will no longer apply to me. Enthusiasm with SC in general is a must, of course.

LegacyWeapon has the knowledge, DEAD has the enthusiasm, and Voyager has a very nice personality. They are the people I can think of from the top of my head, but I'm sure many more can qualify as well.

P.S., The Map Approval is in dire need of an update.
Map Approval Policies:
- No rigged maps (rigged, meaning any number of units or players which majorly unbalence gameplay which results in a win situation. There are some unbalenced games out there, but it is okay as long as all players have an equal chance of winning/losing. When in doubt, PM yoshi. Should change to PM DTBK or something. Also, we should debate whether cheats count as "rigging" such as P3 in U Defense
- No money maps or fastest maps (minerals right beside start locations, or resources with > 10000 resource amount, unless being used as a "hotspot" for all players to fight over.
- No modifications (files which are designed to modify starcraft graphics, sounds etc and are incompatible with rule OBVIOUSLY needs to be taken off
- No fake maps or files (maps that resemble others but in an extremely low quality fashion)."Low Quality" can be up to opinion. This should just be changed to "No Incomplete Maps", which should be shown in the forums instead.
- No insulting maps (maps solely dedicated to insulting people or clans).Unfortunately many movie maps use insults as jokes, another debatable topic.
- No clan recruitment maps (maps solely dedicated to advertising clans or recruiting people).This rule should not apply to maps that simply sport the clan name, like some Bounds that use the clan name as the background.
- No disfunctional/crashing maps (maps that are non functional, or its only purpose is to crash peoples games)These maps should be denied but with a note that they can be resubmitted after being fixed.

ADD: P.P.S., DTBK you can take me off the Mod Team roster now too. pinch.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2005-12-04 at 12:53:47
As such people are hard to come by, I vote preferably LegacyWeapon to fill the vacancy, though if he is unable or unsatisfactory to others, Voyager would be my second choice.

As far as "rigging", cheats are a borderline issue. If the cheat is secret and works like an easter egg, and is also not a major effect, it can stay. Otherwise, the map can be classified as rigged and be denied.

"Very Low Quality" is all that can be denied. I try to be very gracious with bad maps, though truly stupid and/or pointless ones can't be allowed. This is really a personal choice to each DLDB keeper.

Insults: It says no maps "solely dedicated" to insulting people or clans. Passing insults as jokes would not fulfill this.

Clans: Correct.

Yup, someone needs to rewrite that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PCFredZ on 2005-12-04 at 12:58:35
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Dec 4 2005, 12:53 PM)

Insults: It says no maps "solely dedicated" to insulting people or clans.  Passing insults as jokes would not fulfill this.


What about stuff like "Mexican Defense"?

You control the "U.S. border" and kill all "Mexicans" trying to get across. -_-
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-12-04 at 14:39:48
Should change to PM DTBK or something. Also, we should debate whether cheats count as "rigging" such as P3 in U Defense

Should be PM Moose.

I'd prefer that Fredz keeps his access to the Admin section of the DLDB if he can get on about 30 minutes per week. We really do need someone for the Mac section. Just make a permission mask for him and remove him from the DLDB Keepers group, since he won't be here full time.

About who will be added to the team? My first choice would be LegacyWeapon, if he has sufficient time. He has a lot of projects right now, and for me, it seems almost impossible for him to do all these things.

I don't know about DEAD though. He has shown us that he has the capacity to do so, and has been quite some time on the site, but I just don't feel like he is the best candidate.

Voyayer is a pretty good choice.

Ultimo is another good choice. He has been here for a very long time and definetly has the capacity to do so as he is not easily manipulated. He also has experience managing such things.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-12-04 at 17:19:29
DEAD is very headstrong and seems to like power, a lot.
Voyager is awesome.
Ultimo hasn't been the most active in the past but these days he's been taking more time.

Let's take a review of what I'm doing currently and I'll see if I can pull the time to do this.

• Managing the UMS sections. I've been slacking here a bit since there are so many freaking posts in the Assistance and Production forums. I try to do my job and I'm hoping more people would use the Report button instead of saying stuff on the topic.
• Tutorial Database. Not much to say here. We have most of the tutorials most mappers will ever need. I update them when people complain but they always complain in the Assistance topics which I rarely read due to the large quantity of them. I'm hoping they would PM me more about flaws and misunderstandings and such.
• Leading (U). yawn.gif (U) leads itself.
• Schoolwork. I've been procrastinating as usual. Not that big of a workload so it's manageable.
• Crew. Starting tomorrow I'm going to be practicing Monday-Friday after school until 5PM. Then I'll proceed to eat dinner and do homework. Then I'm going to try and sleep at 10PM-11PM.
• Social Life + Parkour? Saturdays I like to go out. It shouldn't mess with my schedule.
• Updating uBeR@TiOn. Haven't been doing that.

5 hours after school to do homework and dinner and SEN. If I say I can do homework in 2 hours and dinner in 1. That leaves 2 hours for SEN. How many maps do you guys get per day? How long does it take to review 1 map? I'll probably have enough time on Saturdays to do a lot of them. What do you guys think?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-12-04 at 17:31:20
We are getting about 10 maps per week, 3 mods and about 5 other files.

It doesn't take much time to do one map, it really depends on the person. DT_BK takes about 2 minutes per map, while I can take about 15.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-12-04 at 20:14:45
This is a rather interesting thing to confront. PC, I'm not sure whether or not I'll leave you as a DLDB Keeper, mainly because you can help on the Mac setion. LegacyWeapon does do a lot, but personally I think he's got his hands full for now, I wasn't even planning to give him moderator positions until all those other quittings. What I'm thinking is - this is the winter months. We can probably get by with few DLDB Keepers simply due to the lack of volume until the summer months. I'm thinking of promoting one of the forum moderators to a better position (MilleniumArmy, Cheeze, Rantent, etc).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Rantent on 2005-12-04 at 20:15:01
We really do need someone for the Mac section.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-12-04 at 20:16:24
Wow, I don't even remember letting you in here. eek.gif Wanna be a DLDB Keeper? tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PCFredZ on 2005-12-04 at 20:56:28
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ Dec 4 2005, 05:31 PM)
We are getting about 10 maps per week, 3 mods and about 5 other files.

Nah, it just seemed like that for a while because 1) nobody worked on the DLDB but me and 2) I avoided mods like the plague because I thought they were too complicated. Turns out it's drag, drop, doube-click. -_-
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-12-05 at 16:36:10
Meh, I've never done and will never do the Mod section.

Rantent is wierd, he's been stalking us all this time tongue.gif

Forgot about Rantent, I say he'd be a great DLDB Keeper, just hurl him the job and screw him lmfao.gif

As to promoting someone to Global Mod(I thinks that's what you meant Moose, but then again, you're almost always on crack), I'd go for Rantent again, I just think that Cheeze and MillenniumArmy aren't on as much as they should for such a position.

I know Cheeze's comp got fuxxored because I told him having SeN bot on for months at a time would enable his comp the ability to fry an egg.

Moose's IP Address is:

Damn, it says IP: Private
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-12-05 at 19:47:55
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ Dec 5 2005, 04:36 PM)
I know Cheeze's comp got fuxxored because I told him having SeN bot on for months at a time would enable his comp the ability to fry an egg.
Hopefully if my computer gets fuxxored I'll get a new one. Or I should try to preserve the life of this one and switch off SeN bot for a bit.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-12-05 at 19:50:39
Just turn it off overnight every few days. There isn't much of a 4 AM Wednesday crowd during the winter months.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Rantent on 2005-12-05 at 21:10:27
I've been able to see this forum for about a month, (little less than I believe) I've posted two other things in here.

It's cool to be blue too! cool1.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheeZe on 2005-12-05 at 21:24:30
My computer didn't get fuxored! My Operating System did though. :/

Anyway, I should have my computer fully running/updated and whatever by Winter break (December 20ish or earlier). Right now, I'm still on a temporary OS ;D
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PCFredZ on 2005-12-06 at 15:31:54
Also add one more rule:

- Sound submissions: please do NOT submit speech files, unless they have some really good effects. E.g., random movie quotes that won't be used unless someone actually tries to make an exact copy of the movie in a map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-12-09 at 17:04:41
Forgot to ask this to Rantent, but if anyone else knows the answer, please say so. Does Rantent have a Mac computer or regular access to one?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Rantent on 2005-12-09 at 20:30:16
I am on a mac for every other week. (And am on a pc for the weeks inbetween.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Revelade on 2005-12-09 at 21:49:28
I'd like to ask a question:

Just HOW active are you guys every day? I ocassionally come across SEN once in a while, but I need time for my work. I have extra clases because I am deficient in credits needed to graduate.

I don't feel moderation is about who makes the most anal changes here and there. I feel it's about letting go and only acting upon when a user does not know their limits. Therefore, I'm saying moderation should not be about how many issues you fix.

Moderation is based on morals, while DLDB is built on work. It's there, than you need to decide if it passes the filters and post it up. I assume most applicants get in.

Moderating is built on personal judgement. Some PMs I get are ridiculously picky so I ignore them.

I'm sure you guys all know this, but I'd like to reaffirm that we need somebody who is active and can devote their time to this stuff.

Yea, I barely see Chu on. Even as I diss the PSP, he's not getting angry =/

As for your recommendations, I've only experienced one and that would not be a positive one. DEAD is somebody who flails around Hitler pictures and now a swastika. That is ironically the opposite of modesty.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-12-09 at 22:29:42
Revelade, Chu retired over a month ago. Its no wonder you don't see him. tongue.gif

Anyway, I think Rantent is a fine replacement for now.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-12-13 at 22:07:46
I don't feel moderation is about who makes the most anal changes here and there. I feel it's about letting go and only acting upon when a user does not know their limits. Therefore, I'm saying moderation should not be about how many issues you fix.

cool.gif Good post ;o
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PCFredZ on 2005-12-16 at 18:31:21
DLDB is piling up again... ermm.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-12-16 at 18:56:00
I've been having exams this past week so I couldn't really do anything. Tommorow I've got a Track competition at 9AM and I hope to be out by Noon and see if I can do soemthing. Sunday is totally out of the question since I'll be out from Noon to almost 7PM.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Rantent on 2005-12-16 at 20:49:44
Yeah, my classes are really piling up. This entire week were having a test for AP Art history, which is taking up a lot of time. And I'm doing an english project (due monday) and a chemistry lab writeup, (due tuesday) and an economy paper, (also due tuesday) plus submitting things to colleges. I have very little extra time to relax, that should change by the end of next week. (which is finals) Than I will be on vacation and will have more time.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2005-12-17 at 03:46:03
We can all pitch in over winter break. Heck, I haven't touched DLDB for 2 months.
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