My newest board in Production and almost done! So I am only asking that if the people who read this sign up there for the least, and if you like it go ahead and post away!
So here is what you would get if you signed up there:
-Access to post at any forum.
-Advertise your site.
-Get custom made Maps, Programs, Editors, and more.
-Visit my Shop, in which you can buy items to help you out!
-A Karma system to show who is the best member, and will get awards.
-A nifty little RPG code which is great, but you have to post to get your stats even better.
Who knows maybe if you sign up there I will let you become part of the Staff! So if you could just take about 1 minute of your time and go sign up there that would be great, if not, you have already wasted 1 minute reading this. lol So here it is:
~ StarCraft Map Making ~If you have a new name suggestion please let me know.