I got the zerg upgrade buildings to use the terran construction animation as well...
But now I've just run into a huge new problem:
You know how when you cancel a zerg building morph, the morph blob explodes, and your drone comes back?
Well, now that my drones warp in buildings, when I cancel the warp, it plays the morph blob explosion instead of making the warp ball dissappear, and creates a new drone with 1hp. It was pretty funny at first, but...
How do I get it so that it plays the normal cancel warp animation, like for the protoss?
Looking in memgraft, both the regular cancel construction command and the zerg cancel mutation command actually refer to the same command. Does that mean that this quirk is hard coded into the drone, and not command specific?
As I test, I've given the drone the terran scv build commands, and the same thing happens, the drone builds like an SCV, but when you click cancel, the morph blob explosion plays instead of the terran cancel construction explosion, and you get another drone.
As a last test, I made the SCV able to warp buildings, and it cancels fine: the warp ball just dissappears.
So are my conclusions accurate? Would I have to replace the drone with another worker? Could there be something in units.dat? Arrgh. Just when it seems to be done...
Ok, so it just gets worse and worse... To test my theories, I replaced the drone with a probe, made it morphable from a larva, gave it the zerg drone commands (with the buildings still warpable) and ordered it to warp in a creep colony. I clicked the warp ball, hit cancel, and...
...the building exploded and gave me a drone back.
So this basically means that the zerg cancel construction routine (morph explode, create new drone) is race specific, right?
I'm gonna perform one last test and try to make terran buildings morph from the scv. We'll see if anything happens when I try to cancel a construction in progress. My money is that the building will explode terran style and you'll be short an scv. Any takers?