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Staredit Network -> Modding Assistance -> making a listfile for WinMPQ
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2005-12-15 at 18:31:14
I'm trying to create a custom listfile for WinMPQ but I keep getting stuck on the last few unknowns and I was wonderring if anyone could help me solve them
Unknowns left in StarDat.mpq -4
Unknowns left in BrooDat.mpq -0
Unknowns left in patch_rt.mpq -0
Unknowns left in INSTALL.EXE -2
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ojan on 2005-12-16 at 18:54:01
There are only two unknowns in Install.exe. Are you using those awful listfiles by UED77 that so many people seem so fond of?

Anyway, use Ladik's at (Switch to English in the top left)

As for the names of those unknown files... I've spent a LOT work trying to namebreak and guess their names... The two unknowns that are left in Install.exe are .wav's. I've been bruteforcing them for weeks, months. I gave up when I was about to begin on ten letter names.

There are a total of 13 unknowns left in all MPQ files (AFAIK, not counting WoW). I suppose we could sqeeze a few more of them, if we could coordinate this and become really efficient...

Lords of Magic SE: 1 Unknown in pic.mpq
StarCraft Beta: 5 Unknowns in StarDat.mpq
StarCraft: 2 Unknowns in Install.exe
StarCraft: 4 Unknowns in StarDat.mpq
BroodWar Beta: 3 Unknowns in Install.exe (two of which are the same as StarCraft Install.exe)
BroodWar: 2 Unknowns in Install.exe (The same as in StarCraft Install.exe)
WarCraft II Bnet: 2 Unknowns in Install.exe
WarCraft II Bnet: 1 Unknown in War2Dat.mpq

This makes it a total of 20 unknowns, but if we find the names of one, we automatically get the name of another, so there's 13 "unique" unknowns total.

I suppose I could get going on the namebreaking again, if people are interested

[edit=1]I forgot to say hi. Hi.[/edit]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pauper on 2005-12-16 at 19:08:45
wow i need to get those new list files.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ojan on 2005-12-16 at 19:18:56
I should try to compile them (I have quite a few different listfile versions...)

I'll try to post them if I remember

The unknowns bother me. A lot. I don't think we can get very much futher though. The longest names in War2 Install.exe are 20-30 characters long, not including path. We can bruteforce 8 characters without trouble, 9 takes TIME.

Imagine how many decades 20 chars would be wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2005-12-18 at 00:17:48
I have (partly) figured out the unknowns in stardat.mpq:

12kb and 3kb unknowns use portrait\(unknown part)\(unknown part).smk

4kb unknown is a .smk file also but I do not know the directory
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UED77 on 2005-12-18 at 02:23:43
Hello Ojan. My awful listfiles have not received a major update in the past two years as I've been obsessed with breaking all the names. For almost three years now, I've filled pages with names I tried manually, with trial and error, before I even knew automatic namebreaking existed. Then I got tired of seldom succeeding, and I stopped research. Updates occured only on my computer since then.

I've heard of Ladik's listfile, but for a long time, I've refused to use it. Personal pride? Stupidity? Probably a bit of both.

But now, you got me interested. We do share the same obsession, and I would love to start namebreaking again.

My most recent research has 4 unknowns in StarCD: an .ins file, apparently a script for "Play Starcraft"; an .lst file, with contents of the standard installation main dir; and the two wavs you mentioned, which are exact copies of "setupdat\audio\swishin.wav" and "setupdat\audio\swishlock.wav", but their filenames don't seem to correlate.

Shamefully, my BroodCD research shows seven unknows, but fortunately, two of the wavs are the same as the ones in StarCD. I still don't have the Valkyrie afterburner sound quite figured out. Then there's this 80x15 StarCraft banner, and an avatar-sized image of a Lurker. A readme RTF and some Mac(?) help file (because of the TEXTttxt) are the last two.

StarDat has 4 unknows as well, of which I'm quite glad, since it's not more than Ladik's happy.gif
The two larger (13 kB) ones seem to be clones of portrait\ushard and portrait\ukhad — all three seem the same. The two small ones are the screen static, and their name appears to resemble that, although trying several variations of "static" did not yield results.

I'm still interested in namebreaking. Divide and conquer, perhaps?


Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ojan on 2005-12-18 at 16:26:41
Greetings to you!

First of all I suppose I should apologize for my wording. I was not aware of the fact that the listfiles at were so outdated, and when people constantly kept saying that people should use them, I was frustrated. Using them I get 8 unknowns in StarDat.mpq and 56 in BroodWar Install.exe. However, it seems you've made excellent progress since then, and I hope your pride wasn't too damaged due to what I said wink.gif

Anyway, since people actually seem willing to help out with this, I suppose we could give it a shot again. First of all, I reccomend you to update your listfiles with Ladik's, even though you don't like them wink.gif

I don't know how far we can get. Our only options are to manually guess the names, which isn't very easy, or to bruteforce them. If we are to use the latter option, which we will have to if we are to do this, then we'll have to use Ladik's namebreaker (AFAIK there's no other program that can do this), and it has flaws.

We won't be able to find the unknown *.smk files in StarCraft StarDat.mpq. They are all called portrait\*\???fid00.smk and portrait\*\???tlk00.smk. The problem is that we must only search for the path and 3 first letters in the filename, and Ladik's namebreaker doesn't have such an option. We could type in our own extension (which would be "fid00.smk"), but that won't work either since the max length of extensions that you type in yourself is 4 letters - ".smk" in this case.

Our only other option is to change this in the source code (Ladik's MPQ Editor is open source), which perhaps isn't a very bad idea. I think Ladik mentioned over an Email that this was due to speed optimization, and that it'd be tremendously slow if extensions were bigger. We could always try though, right? tongue.gif

As for SC install.exe: The first wav is located between rez\finz09bx.txt and rez\glucmpgn.bin. I have been namebreaking it for ages, and it's filename is 10 chars or longer, assuming it's in the rez\ directory and not containing the letters I havn't tried (also due to speed optimization). I'll attach a picture of what chars I'm using when I namebreak

The second wav is located between rez\license.txt and setupdat\95\comctl32.dll. We can only hope that we can guess its name if we have the name of the first wav....

We can get a few unknowns in StarCraft Beta's StarDat.mpq if we coordinate this and get a few people going on it... I wish Ladik's Namebreaker was automated and didn't had to be manually set up each time you reboot.... :-\

I typed up a very lengthy reply with just about all info about the unknowns that I have, but my computer randomly decided to crash, and that reply went b00m with it -_-
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UED77 on 2005-12-18 at 17:16:27
I wasn't offended, but apology accepted biggrin.gif

I will probably mail an updated version to in the next few days, but it just feels so immoral to include the two StarCD and three BroodCD ones that Ladik has and I don't... but my doubts will not help my "customers", so I will probably end up including them.

Regarding the modification of the source, I love your idea.

As the SMKs' (which are the ones that bother me the most) names are "portrait\*\???fid00.smk" and "portrait\*\???tlk00.smk", we could just rewrite the input portion of the namebreaker to add "portrait\" to the beginning and "fid00.smk" to the end of the string that needs to be hashed. This would immensely optimize our efforts.

The namebreaker need not be tied to MPQ Editor, and the automatic launch is also a great idea. I'm downloading the sources at the moment smile.gif

Report, edit, etc...Posted by BroodKiller on 2005-12-18 at 17:26:05
I just wonder, what big problem is it to code (or find) a little smarty application that will generate strings of chars of given length and let it work until, say, 30-letter long strings? The correct filenames MUST be somewhere in-there, right?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UED77 on 2005-12-18 at 17:38:06
What you said is essentially what Ojan and I (and no doubt many others) have been doing for quite a while. The biggest issue is time. The string generator needs to be improved, as in its current state, it allows very limited control over the name.

We're only looking for the middle characters of the files. The extensions and folders are already known, but the program would need recoding if it were to only try the middle characters.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2005-12-18 at 23:59:16
The namebreaker need not be tied to MPQ Editor, and the automatic launch is also a great idea. I'm downloading the sources at the moment smile.gif

PM me if you get it to work so I can (try) to help you solve them tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ojan on 2005-12-19 at 14:00:14
As the SMKs' (which are the ones that bother me the most) names are "portrait\*\???fid00.smk" and "portrait\*\???tlk00.smk", we could just rewrite the input portion of the namebreaker to add "portrait\" to the beginning and "fid00.smk" to the end of the string that needs to be hashed. This would immensely optimize our efforts.

Indeed. We can already add "portrait\" though, but it's the "fid00.smk"-part that's the problem tongue.gif As I said, I belive Ladik suggested that it would take a lot more time to have longer extensions, but we should try it nevertheless. It's taking more time or not doing it at all that's our options wink.gif

I just wonder, what big problem is it to code (or find) a little smarty application that will generate strings of chars of given length and let it work until, say, 30-letter long strings? The correct filenames MUST be somewhere in-there, right?

Namebreaking into 10 letters takes months. 30 letters would take quite a few decades. wink.gif

PM me if you get it to work so I can (try) to help you solve them  tongue.gif

Rather, let's release it to the public tongue.gif

you could also set it up so it searches the files alphabetically and make it start at the name length you chose instead of working its way up

example: aaaaaa.wav aaaaaa.bin aaaaab.wav aaaaab.bin

that way we could more easily have more then one person searching on the same file by having some people start at a and some people at l or whatever letter they chose

If you open the namebreaker and check the extension-boxes to the right you can do that already.

We know the extension of 10 of the 13 unknowns though. The only ones we don't know are two in StarCraft Beta StarDat.mpq and BroodWar Beta Install.exe.

[edit=1]Seems you removed your post. I assume you figured it out anyway wink.gif [/edit]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2005-12-19 at 14:30:25
[edit=1]Seems you removed your post. I assume you figured it out anyway wink.gif [/edit]

I figured that out already (as you assumed) and I used it to skip from searching portraits\ (some random combo with 7 digits) to portraits\NA000000 (since thats where the portraits start) so I could save alot of time tongue.gif

ADDITION: if you want to help me solve it (first unknown in stardat.mpq) enable the characters "0-3, A-P, R-Z, and \" and on the folder enter "portrait\" then start at Ua000000
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UED77 on 2005-12-19 at 17:15:13
The crystal portraits have filenames that ASCIIbetically fall between "portrait\ukhad\ncrtlk00.smk" and "portrait\umengsk\umefid00.smk". Therefore, I suggest starting from "UKHAD", or more optimistically, "UKHAE". I might run an "UKHAY" for Khaydarin.
17 letters would be needed. That's why we need to figure out a way to append a larger extension, which would decrease this to 8 characters.

EDIT: By the way, in the source, I've found where the extension is declared to be of length 4, changed it to 12. Unfortunately, Dev-C++ gives a bunch of errors, some due to ISO C++ validity, and some due to missing header files, which seem to be Windows-realted ones. Perhaps I should dispatch an email to Ladik and ask him to supply us with a version where we can have larger extensions?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ojan on 2005-12-19 at 17:47:00
Don't bother with the unknown StarDat portraits. They can't be found using Ladik's Namebreaker in a resonable time. We need to improve it to allow the 'extension' "fid00.smk".

If we are to search for UKHAD, it would be "portrait\UKHAD.smk in the namebreaker. We need a path in there, as well as the ending of "fid00". You said you searched for "0-3, A-P, R-Z, and \". That's 29 letters if I did my counting right (clock's late, it's more than likely that I didn't, but that doesn't matter).

So, we know that the name we're searching on has to have \ in it, and that \ only appears every 1 / 29. We also know that the name ends with "fid00", and the chances of "\" and "fid00" beeing in the name we're testing is... Small.

Conclusion: As I said, we can't namebreak those names in a timeframe that is resonable. We need a method to add "fid00" to the extension.

In the meantime, let's attack the wavs in Install.exe. The first one is between rez\finz09bx.txt and rez\glucmpgn.bin. I've been using the chars in the picture I attached a few posts up, and I've namebroken it into GMFV3N7DU. In other words, we should start at FINZ09BW00 and move on from there.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2005-12-19 at 18:08:14
So, we know that the name we're searching on has to have \ in it, and that \ only appears every 1 / 29. We also know that the name ends with "fid00", and the chances of "\" and "fid00" beeing in the name we're testing is... Small.

I know \ has to be in it (im using it to find folders) but the fid00 part is unlikely cause it could be either fid00, fid01, fetc or it could be a tlk00, tlk01, etc
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UED77 on 2005-12-19 at 18:26:23
Every portrait directory has a "fid00.smk", so that's the most reasonable assumption. Additionally, if one of them is "fid00.smk", the other one is most probably "tlk00.smk".

As for the wavs, I'll work on three additional chars while you work with two.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ojan on 2005-12-20 at 03:37:41
Indeed. One ends with "fid00.smk" and the other one with "tlk00.smk". The pattern has no exception, and I doubt these two will break the rule wink.gif

EDIT: By the way, in the source, I've found where the extension is declared to be of length 4, changed it to 12. Unfortunately, Dev-C++ gives a bunch of errors, some due to ISO C++ validity, and some due to missing header files, which seem to be Windows-realted ones. Perhaps I should dispatch an email to Ladik and ask him to supply us with a version where we can have larger extensions?

I'll try to look at it and see if I can make it compile. I remember having trouble with compiling it previously too, but I'll look at it again. If we can't get it to work, we can bug Ladik about it wink.gif

As for the wavs, I'll work on three additional chars while you work with two.

Either that or having one to start at FINZ09BW00, one at FINZE9BW00, one at FINZP9BW00 etc...

I'll look at the source when I get home (In school ATM). Unless I'm stone dead when I come home. I'm going to the dentist to drag out two teeth today. Yay for me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UED77 on 2005-12-21 at 16:51:25
Didn't see you post for a day, so I'm worried... did you survive the episode at the dentist?

My namebreaking is at "FISVSaaaaaa"... This is going to take a while sad.gif

Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2005-12-21 at 17:41:46
My namebreaking is at "FISVSaaaaaa"...  This is going to take a while sad.gif

you can just skip it if you want since the unknowns probably arent too importaint or someone would've already discoverred them
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ojan on 2005-12-21 at 17:48:39
Didn't see you post for a day, so I'm worried... did you survive the episode at the dentist?

My namebreaking is at "FISVSaaaaaa"... This is going to take a while sad.gif


Yeah, I'm almost alive... My mouth hurts, and I'm not feeling too great, but it'll be fine eventually, I hope...

I'll start at FINZ09BW00 then tongue.gif

you can just skip it if you want since the unknowns probably arent too importaint or someone would've already discoverred them

It's about removing unknown aspects of modding completely. I don't think any of the files are used, but I find the fact that we don't know their names a great annoyance.

I feel it would be somewhat of a small victory to get the unknowns discovered, even if it takes substantional work
Report, edit, etc...Posted by petphot on 2005-12-21 at 18:06:21
I agree... in order to use WinMpq at its best u need all unkowns found out... Big and Small
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UED77 on 2005-12-21 at 18:59:32
QUOTE(TERRAINFIGHTER @ Dec 21 2005, 05:41 PM)
you can just skip it if you want since the unknowns probably arent too importaint or someone would've already discoverred them

Heh, isn't namebreaking the whole point of this thread? tongue.gif
Besides, Ojan and I are so obsessed with them, it's unlikely we'll ever stop smile.gif

Ojan, get well, and good luck with the namebreaking. I'll post some status reports as it progresses.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2005-12-21 at 23:10:50
QUOTE(UED77 @ Dec 21 2005, 06:59 PM)
Heh, isn't namebreaking the whole point of this thread?  tongue.gif
Besides, Ojan and I are so obsessed with them, it's unlikely we'll ever stop smile.gif

Yes it was the point, sortve...

What I created this thread for is because I had like 40 unknowns in my MPQ's and I was trying to solve some of them so I could more easily mod starcraft

But, the leftover unknowns are .smk's and .wav's which are some of the few file types I dont even mod tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UED77 on 2005-12-22 at 13:16:01
Not to reiterate, but my current list from has all of the files you would ever need to touch, as it was created by scouring the plaintext in all game files. Therefore, all files used by the game are in there. I only know of one such exception — an .ins file to "Play Starcraft" in the autoplay menu happy.gif

But unknows are annoying, so I'll send a newer version to staff sometime over the holidays.

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