Greetings to you!
First of all I suppose I should apologize for my wording. I was not aware of the fact that the listfiles at were so outdated, and when people constantly kept saying that people should use them, I was frustrated. Using them I get 8 unknowns in StarDat.mpq and 56 in BroodWar Install.exe. However, it seems you've made excellent progress since then, and I hope your pride wasn't too damaged due to what I said
Anyway, since people actually seem willing to help out with this, I suppose we could give it a shot again. First of all, I reccomend you to update your listfiles with Ladik's, even though you don't like them
I don't know how far we can get. Our only options are to manually guess the names, which isn't very easy, or to bruteforce them. If we are to use the latter option, which we will have to if we are to do this, then we'll have to use Ladik's namebreaker (AFAIK there's no other program that can do this), and it has flaws.
We won't be able to find the unknown *.smk files in StarCraft StarDat.mpq. They are all called portrait\*\???fid00.smk and portrait\*\???tlk00.smk. The problem is that we must only search for the path and 3 first letters in the filename, and Ladik's namebreaker doesn't have such an option. We could type in our own extension (which would be "fid00.smk"), but that won't work either since the max length of extensions that you type in yourself is 4 letters - ".smk" in this case.
Our only other option is to change this in the source code (Ladik's MPQ Editor is open source), which perhaps isn't a very bad idea. I think Ladik mentioned over an Email that this was due to speed optimization, and that it'd be tremendously slow if extensions were bigger. We could always try though, right?
As for SC install.exe: The first wav is located between rez\finz09bx.txt and rez\glucmpgn.bin. I have been namebreaking it for ages, and it's filename is 10 chars or longer, assuming it's in the rez\ directory and not containing the letters I havn't tried (also due to speed optimization). I'll attach a picture of what chars I'm using when I namebreak
The second wav is located between rez\license.txt and setupdat\95\comctl32.dll. We can only hope that we can guess its name if we have the name of the first wav....
We can get a few unknowns in StarCraft Beta's StarDat.mpq if we coordinate this and get a few people going on it... I wish Ladik's Namebreaker was automated and didn't had to be manually set up each time you reboot.... :-\
I typed up a very lengthy reply with just about all info about the unknowns that I have, but my computer randomly decided to crash, and that reply went b00m with it -_-